Intercessions for
By Mr Richard Ledger
As children of the kingdom,
let us make our prayers to the eternal God,,
who loves us.
We pray for your kingdom to come
in the worldwide communities
of those who believe in Jesus Christ -
may our lives enthrone him.
We pray that here and at Putnoe Heights your love may
continue to be shown. Bless Charlie, Sam and Joan – and especially all
the work among children and young people. Thank you for all who give
their time and energy to serve you. We pray that all who are drawn here
may experience a loving community and may, somewhere along he way, find
Spirit of the living God:
may your kingdom come.
We pray for your kingdom to come
in the nations of our world
and in their leadership;
for God’s values to take root and grow;
for each person to be respected
as a beloved child of God.
Especially we pray today for the chaos and violence in
Iraq. Lord God, we cannot really begin to take in what we see and hear –
but we place this into your hands as something we cannot do – and ask
that, by a miracle of your grace, you will change the mindsets and stay
the hand of those who seek to perpetuate violence and killing, that
there may be some peace and moves to reconciliation.
Spirit of the living God:
may your kingdom come.
We pray for your kingdom to come
in our homes and families,
our neighbourhoods and places of work,
in all thinking, all speaking and all action.
Spirit of the living God:
may your kingdom come.
We pray for your kingdom to come
in all hospitals and surgeries,
and in every place of pain and sadness.
We pray for our local hospital, thanking you for the dedication of all
the staff and asking that you will grant wisdom to those involved in
discussions about the future, that what emerges may be good and right
for the area and community.
Spirit of the living God:
may your kingdom come.
We pray for your kingdom to come
in the final stages of earthly life,
in the journey through death,
and in the awakening to eternal life.
We give thanks that you are Lord of all, your kingdom
cannot fail, death has no dominion over us.
We give thanks that your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and our loved
ones are with you in glory.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can
We commend to your everlasting love those who have died, and light ac
candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and
brings hope.
We remember ….
You turn our darkness into light; in your light shall we
see light.
Merciful Father,
Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.