Intercessions for the Seventh Sunday after Easter By Mr John Stubbs
The bidding for our prayers today is Lord in your mercy
and the response is “Hear our prayer”
Let us pray.
We bring before you Loving Father our cares and concerns
for your world, praying in the name of him to whom we have been
entrusted, Jesus Christ our Brother and Saviour.
Loving Lord, whose will and desire is that all your children may be one,
we pray now for your church throughout the world, and for all who bear
the name of Jesus. Despite their differing beliefs, may they show the
world that quality of life which Jesus came to show us and that love of
which he was the great example. May that love embrace all who own Jesus
as Lord, whatever their race or sex, whatever their style of life.
Give your strength, courage and wisdom to all who are called to lead
your people. We pray especially for Joan, Charlie and Sam, for Martin
and Jacqueline and for all who exercise stewardship in the churches of
Bless the work of Christian Aid and keep us mindful always of the
challenges which Jesus brings us, to help the poor and needy and to act
justly and wisely in your world.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Loving Father whose will and desire is that your world my be the kingdom
of heaven here on earth, we pray for that world divided by strife and
faction, by war and want, by our restless inhumanity to one another.
Bring peace to all those troubled parts of your world, and we pray
especially for Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Darfur, Chechnia, Palestine
and wherever else men of violence seek to impose their will on others.
Give wisdom and judgement, courage and selflessness to all who lead the
In our own land, help us to work to make our society a fairer one in
which all may share in the riches which some enjoy and may feel truly
part of this nation. We pray especially for the strangers within our
gates – those many workers who have come among us looking to find a
better life. May they be welcomed and not exploited.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Loving Father we pray for all who are in particular need, the sick and
sorrowing, the lonely and the distraught, those tormented in body or
mind, those for whom life has no meaning, or who have lost what meaning
it once had. May your blessing rest on all who need you, and all those
whose lives are dedicated to helping them. May we be always willing and
able to do what we can whenever we can for those in need whose lives
touch ours. We pray for those who mourn and we remember with gratitude
the lives of those who now see Jesus the light of our world face to
face. As we light a candle we remember today, and think of them and
their families. In Jesus we see the true light, and in his light we too
shall see light.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Loving Creator whose will and desire is that all your creation should be
one, we pray for the world and remember with sorrow the ways in which we
have despoiled it. May we use the resources you have given us wisely so
that all men and women may share in the bounty which this earth
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Loving God, make us one that the world may know Jesus Christ. We gather
up our prayers as we sing the Lords Prayer.