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Intercessions for the Sixth Sunday after Easter By Mr Alan Bayliss

Prayers for Sunday, April 22nd 2007

We have been enjoying some beautiful sunshine and colours of Spring, so let us thank God for Creation…

Creator God, we worship you. In the beginning you said, “Let there be light”; and the light shone, piercing the darkness.

You have made the vast universe and amidst its movements and glories, your Spirit is at work.

Scattering the stars and moulding the hills, you have made a world full of beauty.

You have made humankind in your own image, stewards of the earth, partners in Creation.

We are here because of you: that we exist is your doing. You are our God, our Parent giving us life, lavishing gifts upon your children. The distances of space praise you. The depths of our being acknowledge Your creating power. Creator God, we praise you.

Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.

We have welcomed Luc into our Church family this morning…

God of water, Lord of life, we thank you for the moments in history which have pointed towards the mystery of baptism: your spirit brooding over the waters of creation, bringing order out of the chaos; Your people striving out of Egyptian slavery through the wind-blown passage in the Red Sea; and Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan river, with the shock of the voice saying: “You are my son.”

May we who are baptised already be renewed in our baptismal promises, in a spirit of love and trust; and may Luc, your beloved child baptised today be blessed, and stay close to you now and always.

Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.

Remembering local elections are due on 3rd May, a prayer for our communities

We thank you, Our Father, for those whose work sustains our nation, and this community in which we live; for all who create the wealth by which we trade, for those who grow and provide our food or who in industry, commerce and transport bring it to our homes.

We thank you for those who, day and night, maintain the public services; for the police, for those who respond to emergencies, and for all whose work is in health or healing or social care.

Teach us to remember that all our lives depend upon the work of many minds and hands; and we pray that we may live thankfully and in unity as members of one human family.

Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.

We pray for the students injured and killed at Virginia Tech this last week, also their families and the family of the gunman (also distressed by his actions)…

Lord God, we live in a world in which your presence is easily hidden. As we reflect on the horror of last week let us remember that you have placed within us the hunger for a better world. O Lord, you are the one who is present even in peoples’ distress, for through the Cross of Jesus Christ you share in the oppression of all who are suffering. You are the light that never goes out. You are the eye that never closes. You are the ear that is never shut. You are the mind that never gives up. You are the heart that never grows cold, and you are the hand that never stops reaching. Breathe new life into those who are broken hearted, lift up those who are crushed, and bring healing to this world.

Lord in your Mercy; Hear our prayer.

Let us now pray for those who are ill and ask for God’s healing hand to be upon them at this time, and let us remember also those who have died and those who are bereaved…

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

We remember ……….

The sun will no more be their light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on them, for the Lord will be their everlasting light and their God will be their glory.

Merciful Father,
Accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ

The Lord’s Prayer.