Prayers of Intercession 16 May 2004 by Mr John Stubbs
Rogation Sunday - May 04
God, teach us your children how to love your world so that we are careful stewards- of your creation. On this Sunday when we remember especially the countryside and all who work there, we pray for farmers, growers, all who tend the livestock and all who by their labour here and in every place, bring food to us. Bless their endeavours, and their crops. May we value their work and not merely seek cheap food at their cost.We pray for those who will go hungry or thirsty today. May they be filled, and may we do what we can to make sure that their needs are met.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us
Loving God, teach us your children how to love humankind. Show us how to share our riches with those who have not. Give us the grace to love our enemies, and to give every woman and man their due. Help us to pray for our community and teach us how to serve within it.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
Loving God, teach us your children how to work for peace in your world. Make us peacemakers in our own communities. Help us to pray with understanding for the divisions in your world. We pray now for the Iraqis, and the coalition forces, for Jews and Palestinians, and for all who are threatened-by war throughout your world. May the example of the Prince of Peace lead all who control the destinies of the nations to work urgently for peace.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us
Loving God teach us your children how to be fully members of your body, the church. We pray for all who today will worship you throughout the world. We ask you to bless them. May Charlie, Neil, Joan and Sam be strengthened as they lead us, and may we and all our fellow Christians here, in Putnoe and in our neighbourhood be a light to draw men and women to you.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
Loving God teach us your Children how to comfort those who mourn. We pray for those who have died, and remembering that Jesus Christ is the light of the world light a candle to symbolise that hope which he brings.
Especially today we pray for
Turn all our darkness into light.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us
Loving God teach us your children how to love our neighbours, how to listen and show
acceptance, how to be with them in times of trouble. We pray especially for those we know who are in need lonely, sick, distraught, mourning, whatever they lack we pray that you will comfort and bless them and uphold all who minister to them.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
Loving God teach us your children how to love ourselves, so that our lives may fulfiIl that potential
which you have given us and we may be indeed your faithful followers and servants until our life's end.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
In the name of him who lay down his life for his friends, Jesus Christ our teacher, saviour and lord
we pray now singing the words he taught us.