Prayers of Intercession 2 May 2004
Prayers for St Mark's Church & Prayers for Putnoe Heights Church
Prayers for St
Mark's Church led by Mrs Pat Leusby
Lord, we ask that you would quieten our hearts as we come before you to bring our prayers to you. May we always be aware of your greatness and majesty, yet you are always ready to hear the prayers of your people. Hear us now Lord, as we bring our requests to you, in Jesus' Name.
Father God, we lift to you our world. It's really your world Lord, for you have created it, but we're the ones who are making a mess of everything through wars and greed, through cruelty and lack of love and consideration for our fellow men; through split up of family life, cruelty to children, drugs and pollution. So many of us are confused and - yes Lord, often frightened by what is happening in our world, and the feeling of being so helpless to do anything about it. Lord, in our helplessness we turn to you. We cry to you for help, to give all men the knowledge and understanding of how to put right the dreadful things which are happening, the wrongs man does to his neighbour, nation to nation, and even parents to their children. Lord, in our helplessness we cry to you for help. Lord in your mercy.
A prayer for those in authority.
Lord God, all wise and all merciful, hear us as we pray for our Queen and her family and for all those who bear the responsibility of leadership among the nations of the world. Give them, in all their deliberations, wisdom to know your will, regard for your laws, respect for human rights and the grace of humility that they may be ready to see a point of view which differs from their own. Grant that they may seek to lead all men in the ways of truth, freedom and peace for the glory of your Name. Lord in your mercy...
We pray now for our church here and at Putnoe and ask that you would richly bless Charlie, Sam, Joan and Neil as they lead us, ~ thank you for the freedom we have in this country to come together to praise and worship you. May we not lose sight of the many and varied needs of this neighbourhood, as you call us to share your Word with those we meet in our daily lives. May we recognise those times when others need our help and support, or just a listening ear or a few moments of our time in our busy lives. And may we have the grace to ask the help of others when we too are in need. Lord in your mercy...
Most of us have neighbours, friends or family who have no Christian faith. Let us bring them to the Lord. Father God, we pray for those who have never appreciated the riches you offer them in your Son Jesus, those for whom He has never become a reality; those who have never been moved by the story of the Cross or felt the need for the forgiveness Jesus won for us. Others who leave the Gospel aside as something that does not concern them as they feel they can get along well enough without it, and those for whom the word 'Christ' is only a swear word. For all these and for those who do not pray for themselves, accept our prayers. Lord in your mercy
We pray now for all the children and young people of the world, and think of those known to us. We pray Lord, for young people growing up in an unstable and confusing world. Show them that your ways give more meaning to life than the ways of the world, and that following you is better than chasing after selfish goals. Help them to take failure not as a measure of their worth but a chance for a new start, knowing you will be there to guide and strengthen. G~ them courage to hold on to their faith in all
We pray now for all those who are sick in mind or body and lift to the Lord those we know who are unwell... We pray too for those who care for the sick in hospitals and Nursing Homes, and think too of those who spend long hours ~ of the day and night caring for someone in their own homes. Be with them Lord, support them when they are weary and give them daily strength for the task. Comfort those recently bereaved and may they know your loving presence when they feel sad and alone. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, a Light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light and love of Christ, light which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember ......
You turn our darkness into light - in your light shall we see light
Now a prayer for ourselves - I found this prayer in a book of prayers for young people but I think it applies to us all. Lord, as I look back on the past week I ask you to forgive me for things which I blush to remember. If I have hurt others, if I have failed love Lord God forgive. I thank you for all the good things which have happened, for any kindness I have received, for any word of praise that I never expected, for any success I have had, thank you Father. Bless everyone who has been kind to me and who has helped me; bless anyone who injured me or hurt me and make me able to forgive. Help me to learn the lesson life is meant to teach me, and not to make the same mistakes over and over again, and so help me to be better in the days that lie ahead, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.Now may we join in saying the Lord's Prayer which you can find on your service sheets.
Prayers from Putnoe Heights Church led by Mrs Claire Peck
Dear Father, whom we cannot see,
We know that you are near to us,
Quite quietly we speak to you:
Please show us what you’d have us do.
In a week that has seen such changes in weather we pray that we can thank
you for both the sun and the rain. We give thanks for the joys of spring,
for blooming flowers, colourful blossom and for fresh, new leaves.
We pray for brought here for baptism this morning. We pray for their
families and friends. Surround them with your love and protection. Father
we ask that you take care of children everywhere. Keep them safe from
danger and help them to grow up knowing of your love.
Loving God, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you call all people to yourself. We
pray for all those who already know of your love, those who are at the
beginning of their journey with you and those that wait to hear your
voice. Good shepherd lead them and keep them safe in your hands.
Through Jesus you laid down your life for the world you made. We pray for
all those places in the world where people are listening for a message of
peace. We pray for the families of those recently killed in the attacks in
Saudi Arabia and we remember the continuing troubles in Iraq. Good
shepherd look after all those who are trying to live their lives in the
middle of such difficulties and keep them safe in your hands.
We bring before you the European Union Expansion. We ask that you be with
those who are celebrating because of it and those who are concerned about
it. May it bring countries closer together so that our world might be a
better place.
Father you shared in the life of a human family and community through
Jesus. We pray for the places in which we live, work and worship you. We
pray for those in our communities who don’t feel as though they belong and
who long to hear words of acceptance. We pray for all those who are unwell
at this time and in a moments quiet we bring to you those prayers known
only to ourselves and you.
Good shepherd, put your arms around us all and keep us safe in your hands.
We remember all those who have died and we pray for their families and
friends. We remember
We light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines
and brings hope. May the souls of all the faithful departed through the
mercy of God, rest in peace and rise in glory.
Gathering all our prayers together we say the Lords Prayer which can be
found on your order of service.
We pray for all those