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notre dame montreal


31st August 2003

Sunday 31 August 2003.


In our prayers for the church and the world, let us begin by thanking God for his love, and for knowing that we can place into his hands, all our concerns and needs.


Heavenly Father we think of holidays taken during this summer, and thank you for all the joys and happy moments which they have brought.

We think of the warmth of the sun, and lovely sights seen, and thank you for your presence as we have enjoyed these.

We think of the caring and the pleasures which our families have given us, and thank you for your love working in their lives.

We think of troubled moments of doubt, of concern, of pain, and thank you for the peace and relief which your love brings.

And so Father as we think of the concerns and needs of ourselves and others, we thank you for your love, which continually surround us, wherever we are, and whatever we are doing.   Lord in your mercy.  Hear our prayer.


We thank you Lord for the Church of which we are members, and for the Holy Spirit at work amongst us. Be with those who lead us in worship and the daily life of our Church.

We pray for Charlie, for Joan, for Sam, and in particular we pray for Neil as he begins his ministry  in the Partnership Churches. We ask you to bless and guide them in everything they do. We pray for Neil’s family, as they begin new lives in a new home, that they will be surrounded by your love, and know your presence close with them, in the days ahead.

We pray your blessing on all who share with us in this Churches life, that we may (all) grow in the knowledge of your love and peace . We pray especially for those soon to be married in this church. May they know the real joy of a long happy relationship. We pray that as a congregation we may always be outward looking so that we may respond readily  to the needs of others.


We pray for all Churches in our Deanery and Circuit. May they be filled with your spirit, so that they are guided by your hand ( in the days ahead ) as they plan new policies and initiatives. Father we pray for your Church throughout the world, that it may share in its different ways in the work of your son, revealing you to all people, recociling them to you and one another. We pray that Christians may all learn to love one another – as you love us and that working together they may bring peace to all people.

Lord in your mercy.   Hear our prayer.


We pary for all the those troubled parts of the world where people are suffering as aresult of terrorism, of fighting, of hunger, of disease, of the loss of homes and families. We pray that your spirit so move in the hearts of people , that the barriers of fear, race, suspician and hatred, which separate so many, may crumble and disappear. Bring peace and hope, and above all experiences of love into their lives.

We pray for the people of Iraq, that law and order will be restored, that leaders will emerge to bring peace and hope, and that ways ahead can be found to govern with patience and understanding. We pray for the peoples of Israel and Palestine, of India and Pakistan, of Northern Ireland that peace will prevail and solutions will be found to enable all to live in harmony. Bless and guide all those involved in trying to overcome the many problems which prevent reconciliation.

Lord in your Mercy.  Hear our prayer.



And now Father we consider our families, and the local community in which we live, and prayer for those in need. We pray first for children, as they face new demands and new changes at this time of the year -  for children beginning pre – school, changing classes, moving from one school to another, making new friends. May they know the support and love of family and friends.

We pray for all those who lead children in the various church activities, that they may know your guidance in their work. We pray for ( all) children in need – especially for those who have been abused, for those disabled, for those suffering from marriage breakdowns, for those in care. We thank you for all those who show love and care to such children. In particular we pray for the work of National Children Homes, and that the home to home collection for this charity over the next two weeks will be a real success.

Lord in your mercy.    Hear our prayer.


We pray now for those in need within our own families and amongst friends we know. Jesus our healer, we place into your gentle hands those who are ill, ease their pain, comfort them in their distress, help them to cope with the knowledge of their sickness and the treatment which they receive. Give them courage and strength in their day ahead. Be present to them, through the support of friends, and the care of doctors and nurses, and fill them  with warmth of your love and presence now and always. In a moment of quiet, we name them in our hearts, and raise them to you, O Lord. In particular we pray for Richard Fairlie.

We think of all those who mourn because of the death of a loved one, and for those who still miss the companionship and of those who were so dear to them. We pray that each will know your love, and in doing so receive courage and strength in their time of need.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world – a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God, those who have died, and we light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope.

CandleWe remember

Davine Stewart

Doris Gaunt.

You turn our darkness into light, in your light shall  we see light.

Lord in your mercy.  Hear our prayer.


Heavenly Father we finally pray for ourselves as we prepare ourselves for taking communion with you. Lord Christ, who said ‘Do this in remembrance of me’ help each one of us:- to look back, and remember your death for us on the cross.

                - to look up, and know that you are the risen Saviour in our midst.

-         to look around , and rejoice in our fellowship with one another.

-         And to look forward in hope, to the coming of your kingdom and heavenly banquet.

-         “ So may the mind of  Christ our Saviour

-            Live in us from day to day

-            By his love and power – controlling , all we do and say”.