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notre dame montreal


Prayers led at St Mark's Church by Mr. John Stubbs 22 February 2004

Loving Lord we remember now the promises of Jesus that where we gather in his name that you are in our midst and what we ask in his name you will grant us. So we pray now for your world and all who live within it. Accept our prayers which we dare to offer to you in- Jesus-name.

Lord hear us - Lord graciously hear us

Loving father rid us of the pride of tribe and nation, of power and possession which divide our world into a place for haves and have nots. Help us to recognise how our attitudes can support and feed the inequalities which split our society and which may encourage our rulers to pursue selfish ends on our behalf. May we all work together for a peaceful world in which there is justice for all and a proper sharing of all earth's riches. May there be peace in those many parts of your world where war and want are the daily experience of so many. We pray especially for Haiti, Israel, and Iraq. And give us grace to accept whatever sacrifices are necessary to bring that peace and that plenty.

Lord hear us - Lord graciously hear us

Loving lord, Jesus said to his followers "Bend your necks to my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble hearted and your souls will find relief' May all of us who follow Him in his church learn that lesson for ourselves, and not just teach humility but also show it. Throughout your world may Christians conquer in the power of love and bring about the kingdom for which Jesus died. May we here~ with Charlie, Neil, Joan, Sam, all who hold office and all our fellow Christians in this part of Bedford so love our neighbours that they may be drawn to Jesus. Lord hear us

Lord graciously hear us

Loving father, in our mind's eye we picture now the tasks which lie ahead of us in the coming week and we think of the many people who we will meet. and, we pray for them. We cannot understand all their needs and we dare not prescribe for them~ we simply ask that you will be with them and guide them, that you will bless themandprotectthem5and if it is given to us in any way to help them that you will show us what to do and give us the strength to do it.

Lord hear us - lord graciously hear us

Loving lord, bless and preserve all who are in special need this day - the sick, the lonely, those racked by pain of body or mind, those who despair and those for whom life has no purpose or meaning. Be with them all and with those whose work is to help them - doctors, nurses, teachers social workers and all who in any way minister to them, In the quiet of our minds-we pray now for those known to us.

Lord hear us - Lord graciously hear us

Loving father, today will be the end of the earthly pilgrimage for -many. We pray for them~ and we remember those who have gone before us, who lived their lives trusting in the light of Jesus whose light illuminates all our world. We remember today

And we light the candle which reminds us of that light of Jesus. His light dispels all our darkness darkness and in him we see light. Lord hear us --, Lord-graciously hear us

Loving lord we pray sometimes that we may fight and not heed the wound, give and not count the cost, labour and not ask for any reward. May we make that prayer again and ask that you will enable us to turn those wishes into reality. May we follow the paths which you set out before us and may our only pride be that we do your will and our glory that Jesus died for us,

Lord hear us - Lord graciously hear us

And now as Jesus taught us we are bold to pray

Our father.... .