6th July 2003
After these prayers of intercession we shall say the Lord’s prayer using the
traditional form as printed on the Order of Service. The bidding will be
'Lord in your mercy' with the response 'Hear our prayer'.
Almighty and everlasting God, we read of the calling of Ezekiel to be a
prophet among the Israelites, to be your presence whether the people
listened or not. We, as your people today, admit to not always listening to
the words of Jesus whom you sent to teach us about our Heavenly Father. As a
result, there are problems in our world which could have been avoided if
only we had put you first in our lives. So we turn to you in our prayers of
intercession when we ask for your help and guidance in all aspects of our
lives and in the lives of all with whom we share this your world.
Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer
We often ask why so many bad things happen in our world and we struggle to make sense of calamity and atrocity alike. Help us to remember, that you are a God of Love and that hate and intolerance are not in your plan for us. And that by giving us a free will the choice is always ours to do good. Guide us and help us carry this responsibility, with Jesus help, to your greater glory.
Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer
Heavenly Father, we pray for all
caught up in wars and conflicts whether under the banner of liberation,
Jihadh, self defense or popular uprising. We think of children in parts of
Africa who have only known times of war and are often drafted in to bear
arms in an abrupt end to childhood innocence and pray that peace may come to
reclaim their lives..
We pray for our service personnel in Iraq and many other parts of the world
and their waiting families. Be with those so recently bereaved, comfort them
in their loss.
Lord Jesus who showed the world the true meaning of peace, sow that same
desire in the hearts of all those who see no alternative to war. Give to all
who exercise authority, a determination to defend the principles of freedom,
love and tolerance with the strength to safeguard the weak and wisdom to
administer justice with compassion.
Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer
We pray for this,
our own, country and community often divided in seeking the best way forward
in both domestic and foreign affairs. So we pray for Queen Elizabeth, our
head of state, her ministers and all in authority, that they will govern
wisely and with due regard for the needs of all people; and that personal
and party interests will always come second to the needs of whom they serve.
We pray for those working in the news media of radio, television, the press
and on the Internet, that truth and honesty in reporting will not be
compromised. That rights of free speech be upheld but within the bounds of
taste and decency.
Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer
We pray for all
families represented here today. Especially do we pray for Marley Sinclair
and his family. Giving thanks for their words of commitment to Jesus Christ
and his Church.
Lord Jesus we are aware of the increasing pressures on modern family life,
especially pressures on time together. When a serving minister of state has
to resign to spend more time with his family what is this telling us? And so
we pray that all who have influence in politics, commerce and industry will
recognise the needs for families to have time to share and discuss both the
trivial and important matters alike, to discover, together, those things
which are eternal.
As the end of the academic year draws to a close we pray for all young
people moving on in their lives, to colleges Universities, taking a gap year
or entering the world of work. Be with them in all these situations Lord.
Help them to see that as all things around them seem to be forever changing
that you are that firm foundation on which they can build their lives.
Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer
We pray for the
world-wide Christian church that it may continue to teach the Good News of
Jesus with honesty, courage and sensitivity.
We pray for the newly inducted President of the Methodist Conference, Neil
Richardson, as he begins his year of office and for all clergy taking up new
posts in Parishes and Circuits and facing new challenges and
responsibilities. We pray especially for Neil Bramble-Chapman as he and his
family prepare for their move to Bedford and ministry in this Partnership
and Circuit.
We pray for our Church here at St. Mark's and our sister church at Putnoe Heights and for our ministers, Charlie, Joan and Sam. Guide and uphold our ministers, leadership team and all who lead, organize and contribute to the Church's vision of service and witness, that we may continue to do bold things in Jesus' name.
Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer
We pray for the
sick, both at home and in hospital or hospice and of those awaiting
consultations and treatments. We think of the elderly, the housebound and
those in care homes. And we pray for all those who minister to their needs,
both from within the family and from the professional and voluntary
services. Let their care be as a continuation of that shown by Jesus who
responded to the needs of all those who had faith.
Comfort and sustain those who are in need of your grace at this time and as
we share a moment of silence together, we bring before you those known only
to ourselves as we name them in our hearts and commit them to your loving
Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer
Especially do we pray for those who face the pain of grief and the difficult period of searching and emptiness that often follows the loss of a loved one. Help us to support all who mourn both in our prayers now and in the months to come.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench.
We remember before
God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ
which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember: - James M--
You turn our darkness into light;
in your light shall we see light.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer
A final prayer
for ourselves: -
As the prophets of old spoke of the word of God to their people help us
to be no less certain and committed in our witness to the love of Christ and
the fellowship to be found in his Church.
Merciful Father, Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our
Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us pray with confidence as
our Saviour has taught us.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen.
Sermon: Paddington Bear and Bible Readings and Notes for 6th July 2003.