29th June 2003
We thank you Lord that you have given us another new day, and once more brought us together to lift hearts and voices to you in praise and worship. We ask now that you would hear us as we bring our prayers and requests to you.
First a prayer for our world -
Heavenly Father it is your will that all nations should live together in harmony and understanding. Call to the nations of the earth to cease from strife, that all may join to fight, not one another, but our common foes of want and ignorance, disease and sin. We think this morning of the famine in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and the continual strife in Israel and Palestine, Liberia and the Congo.
We pray too for a solution to the problems in Iraq and ask for your comfort for the families of our soldiers recently killed.
We ask that you would strengthen all the aid agencies working in Africa and other parts of the world, and for missionaries working to spread the word of your love.
We pray that you would change the hearts of leaders in troubled places, and lead mankind out of the ways of war, destruction and greed into your ways and the building up of a new world of righteousness and peace, joy and freedom.
hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto Thee
A prayer for our two churches and the Christian church throughout the world.
We ask Lord, that you would bless and equip us who are your Church today, thinking especially of Charlie, Sam and Joan, and others who serve you in this place. Make us effective disciples and prosper all we do to make known your Gospel wherever we go. May our message be faithful to your teaching, but relevant to the needs of others. May we be forward looking, embracing the new trends of the 21st century whilst holding fast to the essentials of the past. Give us wisdom in making these choices.
We pray now for the unity of the worldwide Anglican Church at this difficult time, and ask that your hand and your will may govern this present situation, together with our Christian love and understanding.
hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto Thee
At this holiday time Lord, we thank you for the rest and refreshment which holidays bring to our lives, for the excitement and anticipation of planning, for freedom from routine and for new experiences and opportunities. We remember those who, for one reason or another are unable to have a holiday, and ask your blessing on them that there may be other things they may be able to look forward to in their lives.
You have given us such a wonderful world that wherever we go we are surrounded by your creation to please our eyes and open our minds. Accept our thanks for the rich variety of life which is your gift and, when our holidays are over, may we return home safely with a new vision of your will for us.
hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto Thee
We lift to you now Lord those we know who are sick in mind, body or spirit.
May the healing power and love of Jesus be with them. In a moment of silence
we bring them all to the Lord.
Comfort and sustain them Lord, and keep them close. We ask that you would comfort too those who have been bereaved. Be with them in their grief and distress, and keep them close to you in the days ahead.
Jesus Christ is the light of the
world, a light which no darkness can quench.
We commend to your everlasting love those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the life of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember Wilfred R-
You turn our darkness into light;
in your light shall we see light.
Finally, a short prayer for ourselves, after which we will join in singing the Lord's Prayer.
Dear Lord, in this busy world we are all rushing about full of our own importance, thinking we are the busiest people around and that what we think is best. Help us to stop and listen to those around us. Give us patience to listen to the elderly and to those who are troubled. To listen to children, excited about what they have to tell us, even when we are tired and frustrated or short of time. You are patient with us Lord. Help us to be patient and considerate with those around us.
Sermon and
Readings and Notes for 29th June 2003.