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notre dame montreal

Intercessions for Pentecost

Loving God we ask for the gift of your Holy Spirit to help us pray as we ought.

Come Holy Spirit, direct the rulers of the world. Fill our leaders with talents and discernment to seek the common good. Inspire our artists and musicians, writers and craftspeople.

We ask for your energy and vision for those who are tiring in the battle against injustice and oppression, those exhausted by the struggle with poverty and hunger.

We pray for people working in Ethiopia and Iraq, in other Third World countries, for the peoples of Zimbabwe. Afghanistan and the Congo.

Spirit of God, show us all how to bring peace and justice and unity to the

Lord, Your Spirit is with us
Hear our prayer

Holy Spirit, fill our homes, and set our hearts on fire with the warmth of your love. Inspire us to new beginnings.

Help us as part of your universal church to reach out to others with the good news of Christ, to bring hope to those in distress.

We pray for our ministers, Charlie, Sam and Joan, and all who exercise leadership here and at Putnoe Heights, that we may be open and welcoming to all who come within our doors. Guide us in our relationships with each other, within the church, within our families, with our neighbours, and draw us together in your fellowship of love and joy and holiness.

Lord, Your Spirit is with us
Hear our prayer

Holy Spirit, we come to you for those who are eaten up with guilt and anxiety, those whose Christian life is hard and dry.

We bring to you the despairing and despondent, those who are uncertain how to use their time or money, or are tempted to do wrong. May they have your guidance and strength,

We pray for all who are weak, who are ill, who cannot cope on their own, those known to us in particular need or trouble who ask for our prayers -

We remember Roger Mason, Myfanwy's son, after his accident, and all in hospital and those who care for them
Spirit of God, may they know your hope and comfort, your power and assurance.

Lord, Your Spirit is with us
Hear our prayer

Holy Spirit we pray for those who have died, those whose lives are darkened by sorrow and mourning,

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench.

We commend to your everlasting love those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the life of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember Edna L-

You turn our darkness into light; 
in your light shall we see light


Holy Spirit, when we share in grief and suffering, may we walk in compassion and understanding.

Lord, Your Spirit is with us
Hear our prayer

Holy Spirit, may we look for and know your presence in our daily lives in our times of pain, in our worship. Create new life in your people, and renew and refresh us, as we turn in obedience and faith to You.

We conclude our prayers with the prayer Jesus taught us

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
On earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
Now and for ever. Amen.