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notre dame montreal


27th April 2003

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the joys of Easter:

for the Easter message of hope and freedom
for the many forms of new life that continually remind us of the majesty of your creative power
for the love of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and for his death on the cross
for his resurrection and his presence with us now
for the peace and assurance that this brings to us.

We pray that all those we pray for will know these joys in their hearts and lives, and the peace that this brings.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

We thank you Lord for the Church or which we are members, and for the Holy Spirit at work amongst us all. 

Be with those who lead us in our worship and in the daily life of our Church. We pray for Charlie, for Joan, for Sam, and all those in positions of leadership and responsibility. Guide them in everything they do.

We pray for our visiting preacher Catrin, and for all student ministers. May they know your strength, your guidance, and above all your presence as they respond to your calling and prepare themselves for service in your Name.

We pray your blessing on all who share with us in this Church's life, that we may all grow in a knowledge of your love and peace. We pray that, as a congregation, we may always be outward looking so that we are conscious of the needs of others. Help us as members of this Church's family to respond to them by our understanding, by our support, and by the love we show to them.

God of love, we pray for our children as they grow in our Church family. Guide them into the ways of your will, and may they learn to love and serve you.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Father, we pray for your church throughout the world, both here in Bedford and in far away countries where they may be very isolated and even persecuted. We pray that it may share to the full in the work of your Son, revealing you to men and women and reconciling them to you and to one another.

We pray that Christians may love one another, irrespective of denominations, and that working together they may bring peace and harmony to all people. 

Deepen the understanding of people of other races, languages and customs. Teach us to view them in the light or your own all-embracing love; and give us a vision of the true brotherhood of mankind and a knowledge of your peace.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

We pray for all those troubled parts of the world where people are suffering as a result of fighting, of hunger, of disease, of the loss of homes and possessions. Bring peace and hope, and above all expressions of love into their lives.

We pray for the people of Iraq, that they may soon have again all the basic necessities of life. We pray for all those in hospitals, especially after the recent tragedy, that their sufferings may be relieved. Be with those who are trying to help in these situations. And we pray that these people traumatised by war, and adjusting to the concept of freedom may accept their differences of faith, and find ways ahead to govern themselves with tolerance and understanding.

We pray that progress in the negotiations in Northern Ireland will be made, that peace will prevail, that solutions will be found to enable all to live in harmony.

Heavenly Father we pray for all those affected and threatened by the new illness SARS. We pray that this virus may be controlled, and that ways and means can be found to combat it. Guide all those involved in trying to overcome this threat to the health of so many people around the world.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Heavenly Father, we pray for our own families and those we know well:

for babies and young children becoming aware of the world around them
for children at school, facing the pressures of learning
for teenagers growing up in an unstable and confusing world
for parents and grandparents coping with the demands of family life

Bless each and every one, and may they all know your presence and feel your guiding hand in their lives. Help us to build with you the kind of family which shows care and consideration to one another.

We pray for those in need within our families and amongst friends we know:

for those who are ill, whether in their homes or in hospital
for the lonely, especially those separated from loved ones
for relatives estranged from their families

We name them in our hearts and raise them to you, Lord. Bless them. May they know you love and, in doing so, receive courage and strength in their time of need.

We pray for those who mourn because of the death of loved ones, and for those who still miss the companionship and care of those dear to them.

CandleJesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

Today we remember:- Margaret M--

You turn our darkness into light; 
in your light shall we see light

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Finally, a short prayer for ourselves:
As we remember your love for us through your son, Jesus Christ, we pray that you will give us love. Love in our thinking, love in our speaking, love in our doing, that we may be worthy to dwell with you who are eternal Love.

Merciful Father, 
Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, 
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

Bible Readings and Notes  for 27th April 2003. 

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