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notre dame montreal


30th March 2003

Loving God, who is our Mother and our Father, the consequences of our human mistakes and folly are terrible to contemplate but we bring them in prayer to you, seeking salvation for the world, for all people and for ourselves. We pray for our world, devastated and destroyed by greed and lack of foresight; for earth made barren, for water made toxic, for species wiped out and for people damaged and exploited.

Creator God, we are all your children 
Help us to grow in love.

We pray for all humankind, so often divided by selfishness and ignorance;

For families forced to leave their homes or countries that they might find safety,
For parents who through war or famine must see their children die,
For the soldiers and civilians in Iraq and throughout the Middle East, caught in the
casual brutality of violent conflict,
And for the leaders of all nations that justice and peace might be achieved.

Creator God, we are all your children 
Help us to grow in love.

We pray for this community here in Bedford, for our clergy and for all those engaged in the ministry of care. 

We pray especially for all parents and children, for parents of new babies and mothers who are labouring to give birth today. 

We remember those people who may be separated from their mothers or their children.

Loving God, there are those here whose mothers have died and are still remembered with great affection. We pray for those mothers and grandmothers now, rejoicing in all they gave and commending them to your protection for ever.

Creator God, we are all your children 
Help us to grow in love.

We pray for all men and women who are sick; for those suffering in body, mind and spirit that they might find healing and strength. 

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise that light. We remember Leslie K-, Annie L-, Alex O-. May they know the eternal peace of your heaven, and may those who mourn them be comforted.

Creator God, we are all your children 
Help us to grow in love.

Finally we pray for ourselves, damaged and distorted as we are by lack of love and understanding, slow to trust in you, dismayed and afraid of what the world may hold for us. We give you thanks for the comfort you provide in all our troubles and for the richness of all our relationships. Help us to show your love to the world as we go about our daily lives.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. 