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notre dame montreal


23rd March 2003

Knowing that Jesus shares in all our suffering and in our joy, let us confide in our Heavenly Father who knows us so well.

Father we give you thanks today for so many things:-

for the beauty, vitality, and the diversity of the natural world
for the regularity and stability of your created world
for the gift of life and the opportunity to experience your wonders

We see you in the dynamic forces of continuing creation. We hear you in the conversation of friends, the arguments that reveal truth, and in the debates among nations.

You are present in the laboratory and the lecture room, in research, and in all human thoughtfulness. Wherever a hand is offered in friendship, or a voice speaks in welcome, or eyes reflect forgiveness - you are there.

Train our hearts to be so thankful that we live our daily lives with a deep sense of gratitude and humility.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Father, we know that our world is both wonderful and flawed at every point, and we see the symptoms of a disordered world in every news broadcast. We pray for your blessing on those parts of the world which are especially damaged and in need of healing at this time.

We pray for your healing hand on Iraq, and for a quick end to the hostilities there. We ask for your blessing:-

on those for whom this day will be long and hard
for those on both sides involved in the fighting
for the innocent victims or the war
for those mourning the loss of their loved ones, both civilian and military
and for families waiting at home uncertain and fearful about what the days ahead might bring

-: at this time we pray that they will know the greatness and power of your unfailing love.

We remember the refugees and pray that their needs will be fully understood and met. 

We pray that when the action is over leaders of true calibre will emerge and that the people of Iraq will receive the full support of the international community to help them in their regeneration and reconstruction.

We pray that we will play our full part in helping to relieve the human suffering in any way that we can.

May we put our trust in the power of good to overcome evil and the power of love to overcome hatred. We pray for the vision to see and the faith to believe in a world emancipated from violence, a new world where fear shall no longer lead men to commit injustice, nor selfishness make them bring suffering to others.

We pray for all world leaders, all administrative bodies and political institutions: may they be always aware of the real needs of the people they serve and be effective in providing for them.

Father, when we wander from the Way, we pray that you will call us back. When we stray from the Truth, redirect us. When we do not live life to the full, we pray you will inspire and refresh us.

May we and your whole church follow Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

We pray for all who have wandered away from the faith, and for all who have lost touch with you and your love.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Father, we also remember before you other great needs and unnoticed sorrows in our world:-

the countries where silent slaughter is still happening whilst the gaze of the world has moved on
the countries of central Africa where great swathes of the population have been wiped out by AIDS and for the many still suffering
the countries in deep need where children are dying for the want of clean water and food

May your blessing rest on every nation and all its people.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Father we give you thanks for our homes and our loved ones and for our friends on whom we depend for so much.

We pray for our places of work, and for those with whom we work. May we be faithful and honest in our dealings and make us sensitive to each other's needs and hopes.

We pray for all those who are going through times of trouble. Into the gentleness of your healing love we bring all who are in pain, all those recovering from surgery and those suffering from wasting diseases. We ask you to touch with your generous love all those who are on our hearts today because of their special need whom we remember in a moment of quiet ..........

May your love flood their lives with hope and healing in spirit, mind and body.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

We pray for all whom you have called home into your kingdom where sorrow and pain are no more, and for the bereaved. We remember especially Andrew B-, Eileen R-, and those servicemen who have died in action in Iraq this week. May they spend eternity in unending love and praise.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench.
We commend to your everlasting love those who have died, and light a candle to symbolise the life of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Grant us, with all who have known you in the hearts, a share in your eternal kingdom.

Keep us Lord in the joy, the simplicity and compassionate love of the gospel. Bless us this day and those you have committed to our care. Father, with thankful hearts, we offer ourselves to be used wherever and whenever you need us.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. 