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notre dame montreal


9th March 2003

Let us pray. 

God our Father, grant us the help of your Spirit in our prayers for the salvation of mankind. O God, we thank you for the universe, our great home, for its vastness and its richness, and for all the life which grows upon it, and of which we are part. 

We praise you for the arching sky and for the refreshing winds, for the driving clouds and the rains they bring, and for the constellations on high. We praise you for the salty seas and the fresh running water,  for the everlasting hills, for the trees and for the grass which grows beneath our feet. We thank you for our senses by which we can see the splendour of the morning and the beautiful sights of spring appearing around us, hear the sounds of the birds singing, and the sweet smells that surround us.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

We pray for the government of the world and all the world leaders, that they may uphold what is right for peaceful union between all countries. We acknowledge with shame and sorrow all the sin, hatred and injustice which have led and still lead to violence and war. We pray for the situation in Iraq and other places where tensions are high, and pray that peace may reign over all in the end.

During this period of Lent, give us an awareness of your unique sacrifice on our behalf and teach us to be humble in acknowledging that all our gifts come from you for the service of people and the spread of your Kingdom. May you live in us so that in all our little acts of sacrifice the light of your resurrection may shine through and give them meaning.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Heavenly Father, we thank you for our neighbours and for the people around us with whom we work and share our daily lives, We pray for those who are old and lonely, those isolated because of ill-health, and those who find it difficult to make friends. Show us what we can do to help, and teach us to be good neighbours.

We thank you, O Father, for all the joys and blessings of family life. Forgive us when we quarrel and make us ready to forgive one another.

We pray for those who are subjected to abuse and live in constant fear. Strengthen the determination of all who seek to help them and make peace rule in their homes.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for your love for little children. May your blessing be upon Keeva and Louise whom we have brought to you in baptism to be received into the family of your Church. Grant that they may grow to be faithful members of that family and may learn to love you and serve you all their days.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Lord Jesus, our Healer, we thank you for your many miracles of healing, not only during your lifetime on earth but also in our world today. We bless you for your special interventions that changed people's lives, whether physical, spiritual or emotional. We bring before you in a moment of quietness those we know or love who are ill at this time, and we name them in our hearts...

We pray that your  blessing be upon them and those who try to help them, and we pray that they may find encouragement and peace that their sorrows be transformed into comfort and their loneliness into fellowship with you.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Almighty Father, be with all those who are grieving today over the loss of a loved one. May their sorrow be lit with the brightness of the Resurrection. May they be assured that they will meet again those whom they have loved and lost a while.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember Rex H-- and Doreen S--

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Lord in your mercy 
Hear our prayer 

Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.