Prayers for use in church
Father in heaven, we lift our hearts to you in your holiness and majesty, In your wisdom and power, in your love and faithfulness. We worship and adore you.
In this increasingly secular world, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between worldly and Christian values. A prayer for God's guidance today...
0 Lord our God, in whom we live and move and have our being, help us never to forget that You are beside us all through this day.
0 Lord Jesus, who has promised that You are with us always, help us never to forget your presence through this day.
So grant that all this day every word we speak may be fit for You to hear; that every deed we do may be fit for You to see; that even every thought of our mind and every emotion of our heart may be fit to bear Your scrutiny.
Grant that every task we do may be so well done that we can take it and show it to You.
Grant that every pleasure in which we share may be so honourable and so clean that we can ask You to share it with us.
So bring us to the evening time with nothing left undone, and nothing
badly done; with
nothing to regret and nothing to make us ashamed.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A prayer for broadcasters and journalists, who can and do influence so many peoples' lives...
Father, we thank you that you have spoken to us through the words of scripture, and chiefly through him who is the living Word of God.
We pray for all who, by what they say and write, influence
the lives of others; for those
whose daily task is in the use of words.
We ask for them reverence for the truth, sensitiveness to human need, and a true concern for the welfare of the community.
We ask this in the name of your son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
As the threat of war with Iraq continues to grow; the U.N. Inspectors' Report on their findings is due, and as preparations are in hand mobilising our armed forces,we remember and pray for the leaders of our nations in the decisions they take, and today we pray for the servicemen and women (and their families) involved ...
0 God our Father, we pray for all who serve our country as sailors, soldiers and airmen. Grant that meeting danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline and loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of justice and peace, for the honour of your name. Amen.
A prayer for all seafarers and for the organisations which care for them, especially remembering The Fishermen's Mission ...
We pray, 0 God, for all seafarers as they fulfil the duties and face the dangers of their calling;
The officers and men of the Royal and Merchant Navy;
The keepers of lighthouses, the crews of lightships and weather ships, the pilots of our ports;
All who carry out the services of docks and harbours; and those who man lifeboats and guard our coasts.
For all fishermen and their families as they seek their livelihood from the sea.
Grant them your strength and protection, and keep them in the hour of special need.
For Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
Now a prayer for all who are unwell, or in pain...
Merciful Father, help all who suffer pain of body, or grief of heart, to find in you their help. As Jesus suffered pain in his body, and healed it in others, help them to find their peace in him, and to be renewed in strength of body and mind, by your mercy.
This we ask in your Name. Amen.
A prayer for those who have been bereaved and those who have died.
God of hope, and giver of all comfort, we commend to your keeping those who moum the loss of loved ones.
Give them the peace that passes all understanding, and make them to know that neither death nor life can separate them from your love in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no
darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a
candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings
You turn our darkness into light, |
Merciful Father, Accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our
Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Lord's Prayer.