19th January 2003
After we have used the prayers of intercession in our order of service, there will be three further prayers before we sing the Lord's Prayer. The bidding for these prayers will be "Lord in Your Mercy" and the Response "Hear our Prayer"
Loving God we pray at this time for peace throughout your world. We ask that you will help men and women to find a better way to live together, a way which recognises that we are all your children and that we are called to make one family of men and women a reality throughout your world. Be near all who suffer because of war and the threat of war and make us all find ways to become peacemakers.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
At the beginning of the week of prayer for Christian Unity we pray for the unity which you give us as your gift. We remember especially the service this evening at which the new body binding Christians in Bedford together will be inaugurated. We pray also for Christians here in this part of our town, remembering Paul Woodward and Richard Green and our fellow Christians at Brickhill Baptist Church, and John McArdle and our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. Philip and St. James.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Be near all who are ill or lonely or who mourn. We pray for Maurice M--, Peter C-- and Millie M--. And as we pray we remember that Jesus came to bring light to our world, to illuminate our darkness and we remember those who have gone before us, thinking to day of Audrey F--, Barry R--, Earnest E--, and Maurice H--
The candle we light is a symbol of the light which no darkness can quench and which Signifies the hope which we pray now may fill all our hearts and minds.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We gather up all our prayers as we sing the words Jesus taught us...