29th December 2002
The Bidding for our prayers is - Lord hear our prayer and the response is - And let our cry come unto you
Let us pray
Almighty God our ever loving Father, as we come before you today to confess
that devotion to you which is often far from our minds, we know that that
your care for us is constant and extends beyond the boundaries of race and
nation to the hearts of all who live.
We give thanks for those who share in unfolding your vision for mankind, for our ministers and preachers who enlarge and enrich our understanding of you and help us to respond to your will and your love. We ask for your blessing on the work of your church here at St Marks and Putnoe Heights and throughout this land and we pray that you will inspire each of us by your Holy Spirit that we may be faithful witnesses by what we say and do so that your kingdom may be extended in the hearts and lives of ourselves and others.
We pray for all who live and work in our own community here in Brickhill and Putnoe, we remember that all our lives depend upon the work of many minds and hands and we pray that we may all live thankfully in peace and in unity with each other.
Lord hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto you
We pray today for world peace that ways of aggression and violence against fellow human beings and against Gods creation may be renounced. We think especially today of the leaders of the United States, Iraq, North Korea and our own country, as they prepare to make decisions which have far reaching consequences for us all. Give them Courage and wisdom to do what is right and strength to look beyond their prejudice and anger so that they may strive to find a way to live in peace in accordance with your will.
Lord hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto you
Lord we pray for ourselves, touch our eyes that we shall see in things that are visible those things which are invisible. Open our ears, heal our wounds and purify our lives as your son Jesus Christ did to those who came to him, then we shall hear and perceive what is true amidst the sounds of the world, and find wholeness in ourselves. Lord you can heal all our ills and deliver us from every kind of trouble. Make us whole we pray both in mind and spirit that we may be agents of your healing in the world.
Lord hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto you
We pray today for all suffering, broken and forlorn people around us in church and Community. Help us all in times of trial and suffering to bear ourselves with courage and fortitude and refrain from bitterness. May we not be discouraged by disappointment or defeated by failure. Lord the needs of some people are great and obvious those with nowhere to live, those who are ill, those who have no food, but there are other people whose needs we sometimes overlook, the mother worried about her children, the man who has problems at work, the child without friends. Help us to be more caring and loving ,and do not let us be indifferent or hard hearted to anyone's troubles however large or small they may seem to be.
We remember those who mourn the passing of a loved one give them strength in the sure knowledge that Jesus Christ is the light of the world. A light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God whose who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto you
Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit. Give them courage and hope in their troubles and bring them the joy of your salvation.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen
We will now sing together the Lords Prayer which can be found on page 7 of the Service Booklet.
Bible Readings and Notes and Sermon: The Holy Family for 29th December 2002.