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notre dame montreal


3rd November 2002

Let us pray.

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, you promised through your Son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in faith. We name in your presence this morning people and situations that need our prayers.

We pray for the Church throughout the world and in this country. 

We pray for this church and for Putnoe Heights, for Charlie, and Sam, and Joan, and for all who serve in various other positions. We pray that we may all benefit from the various gifts that we all have to offer in the Service of Christ, that in faith and unity we may be constantly renewed by your Holy Spirit for mission and service.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

We pray for the peoples of the world and their leaders.

We pray for all who offer their services in the leadership of the affairs of the world, that they may uphold what is right for peace and for the survival of mankind.

We pray particularly at this time for peace in all countries of the world where violence. war and terrorism are taking place.

Father, take from us all those fears that burden us and bring life to a standstill. Purify the minds and attitudes of those involved in bringing violence and terrorism to the world.  May the world know Christ's peace, without which society loses its direction and ignores our deep desire for peace.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Father, we thank you for all our families and friends. Without them we would feel lonely and unwanted. We pray today for all those who feel lonely, that they may experience the gift of a loving family of friends. May their lives be enriched by friendship that dispels their loneliness and makes them unaware of their value to others, and to themselves.

We pray for those who are in the middle of some specially difficult time, those who have some specially difficult task to face, problem to solve, or decision to take. Speak to those who are evading some decision, shrinking from some task or putting off some duty. Help those who are shy. Remember those who are in disgrace and in prison, and keep them from despair.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for your love for little children. May your blessing be upon D--, whom we have brought to you in baptism to be received into the family of your Church. Grant that he may grow to be a faithful member of that family and may learn to love you and serve you all his days. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

God our Father, we remember before you any who are suffering from any form of illness. We pray for any who are anxious, sorrowful, or in any kind of need at this time.

We pray especially for loved ones and those who are known to us who are ill or in any kind of need. We remember them now in the quietness of our hearts.

We know that you love them and know their every need far better than we do. We ask that you will do for them as you see best, and bless them with your love and peace.

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

We remember and pray for those who have died and their loved ones.

Give to all of those in mourning your comfort and peace. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, we light a candle to symbolise that light of Christ which shines in the darkness and gives hope. We remember especially this day Ronald L--

picture of candle

May they rest in peace 
and rise in glory.


We say together the Lord's Prayer.

Bible Readings and Notes and Sermon: Remembering for 3rd November 2002.

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