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notre dame montreal


20th October 2002

Loving God who in Jesus showed us the way to live our lives and through him promised that when we pray you will hear us, we bring to you now our prayers for your world and for all who live within it, trusting in that great promise and your unending grace.

We pray this morning for those many parts of your world where there is discord, tension, acts of terrorism or even open warfare. The list is endless, but we remember especially at the peoples of Indonesia, of Israel and Palestine, of Afghanistan, of Africa and of Ireland. May all who lead, and especially the leaders of the Western world remember that jaw, jaw is always better than war, war. 

We pray for the downtrodden and ask that they may find ways other than terrorism to gain justice and we pray for the powerful and ask that they may work for justice for all because therein lies the way to that peace which you offer your world. 

And may we do whatever lies in our power to work for justice and peace. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

We pray for our own town and all who live and work in it. 

We pray for our new mayor as he seeks to create a better place for all its citizens. 

We pray for all whose work enhances the lives of others - doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, those who tend to our daily needs for light and heat and food and drink. 

We pray for our neighbours and friends that they may with us discover more clearly what life is all about and what loving one's neighbour really means. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

We pray for your church here and in every place. 

We pray for all whose witness will bring them into danger. 

We pray for our fellow Christians here in Brickhill, for our brothers and sisters at Putnoe, and for Charlie, Sam and Joan.

We offer to you the work we do here and pray for all who this coming week will use this building. 

We pray for the service at Highfield today. 

May at all times and in all places Jesus stand among us in his risen power. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

We pray for those who we know who are in especial need at this time 

We remember the sick and the sorrowful, the lonely and the unloved, those whose minds are racked by doubt or fear and all who any way need your blessing and the knowledge of your presence. Be near them and all who try to help them and keep us faithful in our service to other. 

We live in the faith of Jesus who is the light of our world, and we pray for those who have gone before us and those who mourn them remembering today Gordon M--

The candle we light is a symbol of that light which you have shed upon your world in Jesus and a pledge that where he is there can be no darkness.

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Loving Father, you taught us through Jesus to discern what we should do: for Caesar and for you. Help us to understand the demands of our earthly citizenship and our heavenly calling and keep us faithful to that vision in all we do. 

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer

And so we sing the words Jesus taught us and gather up in them all our prayers spoken and unspoken 
[The Lord's Prayer is sung]

Bible Readings and Notes and sermon: Taxing Questions  for 20th October 2002.

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