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notre dame montreal


Harvest Festival
6th October 2002

Almighty and everlasting God, creator of all that is seen and unseen, of all we can understand and all that is yet to be revealed. You have placed us in a universe with breathtaking splendour and with an ability to constantly surprise and amaze us; and so hear us as we humbly come before you to seek your help and guidance in our lives. We come to you in simple trust and, as Jesus taught us, in the certain knowledge that you are our heavenly father and will listen to the prayers of us, your children.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

At this special thanksgiving time of the year we pray for all who work so that we have food to eat and share. We remember the farmers, both in this country and overseas, who work with animals and crops often overcoming the extremes of weather, insect pests to get their produce to the marketplace. Also the fishermen, whether in the North Sea or in the Pacific Ocean who fight wind and waves to land their catch safely. We must also in our prayers remember those in the transport, distribution and the retail sectors, for without them our shop and supermarket shelves would be empty.

Lord bless all who labour to satisfy our needs and we pray that all trade between peoples may be done openly and fairly and with due regard for the environment and for human dignity.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

We pray now for areas of our world where hatred and wars make the efforts of daily life even more difficult. Merciful Father, who gave your son that we should have life in all its fullness; we pray that those who see armed conflict as a way to self glorification and supremacy may hear and respond to the words of Jesus, who spoke of peacemakers being blessed and of treating our neighbours as ourselves.

We pray for the work of the United Nations and its Secretary General Kofi Annan. Let a longing for peace, truth and justice be the only motives in the action of UN delegates and representatives as they face difficult days ahead in dealing with arms inspections in Iraq.

We continue to pray for peace in other parts of the Middle East especially in the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict, for the disputed Kashmir province in the Indian sub-continent and nearer home in Northern Ireland as the peace process falters again.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

We pray for this, our own, country with its cultural and ethnic diversity, for Queen Elizabeth, our head of state, her ministers and all in authority, that they will govern wisely and with due regard for the needs of all people. We pray for the work of both Houses of Parliament, Party Political Conferences, the meetings of County, Town and Parish Councils and for all centres of debate; that men and women will listen to and understand each others views with respect so learning more of the needs of the people they serve.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

We pray for all families represented here today. Each one is made up differently and faces the normal ups and downs of family life in different ways. We pray that each family finds a place in it for the love of Jesus Christ and that special peace which it brings.

We pray especially for families known to us who are coping with illness, poverty, racial hatred or tragedy. Show us where we can lend a sympathetic ear, speak a word of comfort or offer practical help and so show your love in action.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

We think now of our Church here at St. Mark's and our sister church in the partnership at Putnoe Heights. We pray for our ministers, Charlie, Sam and especially today for Joan and her family. Guide and support our ministers, leadership team and all who lead, organize and contribute to the Church's vision of service and witness. We also ask your blessing on those responsible for the selection of a Methodist minister in our Circuit as the process takes its course over the coming months.

We thank you Father for the wide variety of different groups that meet on these premises every day and for the opportunities thus presented to both serve the community and to witness for your kingdom. Help us to be worthy of this work, in your name, and of the challenges that lie ahead.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

We pray for the sick, both at home and in hospital, or hospice. We think of the elderly, the housebound and those in care homes. And we pray for all who minister to their needs. Lord Jesus who responded to the needs of all those who had faith; comfort and sustain those who are in need of your grace at this time. As we share a moment of silence together, we bring before you those known only to us and name them in our hearts.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

Especially do we pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, whether recently or long ago. Let the knowledge of your resurrection in glory be comfort to all those who mourn.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. Today we remember Joy H--

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Lord have mercy upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us

A final prayer for ourselves: - As you so freely gave of yourself help us to use our God-given gifts freely in the service of others and to do so with joy in our hearts.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen

Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us pray with confidence as our Saviour has taught us.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses 
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever, Amen.

Bible Readings and Notes and sermon: It's No Joke  for 6th October 2002.

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