29th September 2002
In the Spirit of Christ, and taught by His example, let us pray trustingly to our heavenly Father.
Lord, we pray today for your Church carrying a gospel of forgiveness and freedom which is so much needed in our world.
We thank you for those with a gift for sharing this good news in evangelism, and we thank you for those with the gift for sharing this good news in the way they live their lives.
Give us the courage and the willingness to be your witnesses in ways that are generous and respectful and which come from the overflow of our love and delight in you.
Lord, we pray for our Church community here and at Putnoe Heights that we may be a spiritual family - a household of faith - where people are welcomed and nourished. Fill us with your love, so that the world may believe.
Lord, hear our prayer,
And let our cry come unto you.
Lord, we pray for the countries where there is war, random violence or only a fragile peace. We continue to pray for the situation with Iraq; that peace will be a priority and that patience will be evident in negotiations.
We pray that the ways of diplomacy and the ways of forgiveness will coincide at the conference table. May the hearts of those who have been darkened by violence discover a different light and a better way.
We pray for all who serve in positions of authority in this country and throughout the world; for all debates and international talks.
May the power of reason you have given us lead us towards your truth and wisdom.
Lord, hear our prayer,
And let our cry come unto you.
Lord, we pray for a world which struggles to live justly and for those who have to search for daily food or walk long distances for clean water.
We remember with sadness those whose lives are cut short by disease or violence, and for those who have fled their homes in fear.
We pray for those who meet persecution and torture with courage and dignity.
We remember the weak, the oppressed, the neglected and the abused. May all obstacles to their healing and wholeness be removed through the outpouring of your love and hope.
We pray for those for whom this day will seem long and hard; for those in hospital or ill at home; those struggling with despair or depression; those waiting for a job, or important news, or for a friend to call
Lord, we ask you to touch with your generous love all those who are on our hearts today because of their special need. We remember them in a moment of quiet.
May your love flood their lives with hope and healing in body, mind and spirit.
Lord, hear our prayer,
And let our cry come unto you.
Lord, into your hands we commit those who have run the race and kept the faith - even if that faith was known only to you - and now have gone to their reward.
We remember with deep gratitude those who have left their mark on our lives by giving us love and laughter - but have gone before us to be with Christ. We hold them in our hearts, knowing that you, Lord, hold them in yours.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light, |
May all who have died wake to the eternal joy of your heaven,
Lord, hear our prayer,
And let our cry come unto you.
Keep us, Lord, in the joy, the simplicity and the compassionate love of your Gospel.
Bless us this day and those you have committed to our care. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Readings and Notes and sermon:
Now and the Future for 29th September 2002.