4th August 2002
As we pray for the Church and the World, let us first thank God for the power of his love, which continually surrounds us wherever we are.
God our Father, Lord of heaven and earth, who made the world and everything in it, we give you thanks for the wonderful gift of life and all the pleasures that it brings us.
We praise you for the joys of creation, so evident in our lovely summer days.
We acknowledge that we are the children of your family, and so we offer our grateful thanks for all the love which you bestow upon us, for good health and daily food, for the shelter and care of our homes, for the love of family and friends which surround us.
We rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus is alive and lives in each one of us. May we show our allegiance, our commitment and our love to him, and in doing so receive his Spirit in our lives.
We pray that Spirit will work through us, helping us all to know you, to love you, and to do your will. We thank you for the power of your love, which manifests itself in so many ways.
Lord in your
Hear our prayer
We thank you, Lord, now for the church of which we are members, and for the Holy Spirit at work amongst us all. Be with those who lead us in our worship of you.
We pray your blessing on all who share with us in this church's life, that we may all grow in a knowledge of your love. We pray that as a congregation we may be aware of the needs of others. Help us as children of your family to respond to them by our understanding, by our support and by the love we show them.
Lord in your
Hear our prayer
Father, we pray for your Church throughout the world, that it may share to the full in the work of your Son -- revealing you to men and women, and reconciling them to you and to one another. We pray that Christians may love one another and their neighbours, as you loved us, and that working together, they may bring peace to all people.
We pray for all those troubled parts of the world where people are suffering as a result of fighting, of hunger, of disease, of losing their homes. Bring peace and hope, and above all expressions of love into their lives. In particular, we think of those suffering from famine in Central Africa, and we pray that their distress may be relieved.
Lord in your
Hear our prayer
On this Family Service, we now pray for families in need.
Despite our hopes and efforts, Lord, we fail and things go wrong. We pray for people who are suffering, either from their own mistakes or from the mistakes of others:
for children separated from one parent and cut off from grandparents | |
for parents who see their children for only part of the week | |
for families who have many problems and lack hope | |
for husbands and wives who no longer find joy in each other | |
for families who face death, illness or disablement, and feel they cannot cope | |
for the unemployed who feel hopeless and unwanted |
We hold them before you, Lord, for your healing love.
Lord in your
Hear our prayer
Heavenly Father, we pray for our own families and those we know - for children growing up within them - those enjoying a break away from school - those awaiting the results of examinations - those about to begin new lives away from home.
Bless each and every one, and may they all know your presence and feel your guidance in their lives, as they face new demands and challenges.
We pray for families on holiday, that they will return feeling refreshed and re-invigorated, having experienced the love and joys of being together in a different location.
We pray for those in need within our families: for those who are ill, whether in their homes or in hospital. We name them in our hearts, and raise them to you, Lord. In particular we think of --. Bless them. May they know your love, and in doing so, receive courage and strength in their time of need.
We pray for the elderly, especially those unable to leave their homes.
We pray for the lonely, especially those separated from loved ones.
We pray for those who mourn because of the death of loved ones, and for those who still miss the companionship and care of those dear to them.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world - a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and we light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember Roy -- and Susan--
You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord in your
Hear our prayer
Finally, we pray for ourselves:
O Lord Jesus Christ - stay beside me to defend me,
within me to guide me - before me to lead me,
behind me to guard me - and above me to bless me;
that with you and in you,
I may live and move and have my being,
for ever and ever,
Merciful Father, accept these prayers, for the sake of your Son, Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sermon: Feeding of the Five Thousand
and Bible
Readings and Notes for 4th August 2002.