Pentecost: 19th May 2002
All over the world the Spirit is moving
Lord, the all revealing light of your Love is shining at this
time of Pentecost as we are challenged to make a difference in the name of
We give you thanks that your love for each of us is revealed to us in so many ways. We thank you for our families, our friends, those sitting next to us here this morning, those we meet at school, at work, at the shops or wherever we find ourselves.
Help us to be considerate in our actions, thoughtful in our dealings with people and reflect in our lives your loving concern for all. Help us to be open to see your will, and trust you in the choices we make each day.
Lord of the past, the present and the
breathe on us breath of God fill us with new life.
We pray that mirrored here, our lives will tell your story.
Shine in our darkness.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
All over His church God's Spirit is moving.
Lord the light of your love is shining as we are challenged
at this time of Pentecost to make a difference in the name of Jesus.
We remember and thank you for the joy of sharing with others your good news. You gave us a living, vibrant gospel to proclaim not to keep to ourselves. Help us to take out and share our faith with those we meet. Inspire and challenge us as we try to live out your teaching day by day.
We remember all who visit our churches at St. Mark's and Putnoe Heights and all the organisations that meet on our premises. May they always receive a loving welcome and find God here. May we be wise stewards of our Church and the inheritance we share.
We pray for our ministers, Charlie and Sam and their families and give thanks for all that they do and our shared experiences.
Lord of the past, the present and the
breathe on us breath of God fill us with new life.
We pray that mirrored here, our lives will tell your story.
Shine in our darkness.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
Right here in this place the
Spirit is moving.
Lord the light of your love is Shining as we are challenged,
at this time of Pentecost, to make a difference in the name of Jesus.
We dare to pray:
Lord, let the world be changed, for we long to see and end of poverty;
We dare to pray:
Lord, let the rules be changed, for we long to see trade bring justice to
the poor.
We dare to pray:
Lord, let our lives be changed for we long to bring hope where good news is
In the strength of your Spirit and inspired by your compassion, we make
this promise to work for change, and wait confidently for the day when you
make all things new.
(extract from the prayers for Christian Aid week)
We would remember those who are forced to become refugees. Suffering loss of family, friends, livelihood, possessions and dignity. Remembering those suffering the effects of famine, disease, intolerance, prejudice and neglect. Remembering all the agencies that work to relieve suffering.
Lord of the past, the present and the
breathe on us breath of God fill us with new life.
We pray that mirrored here, our lives will tell your story.
Shine in our darkness.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
Right here in this place the
Spirit is moving.
Lord the light of your love is shining as we are challenged
at this time of Pentecost to make a difference in the name of Jesus.. We
give you thanks that you are there in every situation, and aspect of our
lives, with us through every moment of every day.
Help us to be mindful of the differing needs of those we meet. Help us to be there when needed, sharing the high and happy parts of life and supportive during the lowest and most miserable times we all experience.
We remember all in special need this morning and bring before you those ill at home or in hospital and those who care for them.
We bring before you those who feel no one cares for or about them, the unemployed, the poor, the lonely, the depressed and those suffering injustice and neglect.
We remember those who are close to death and those recently bereaved.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light
which no darkness can quench.
We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise
the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord of the past, the present and the
breathe on us breath of God fill us with new life.
We pray that mirrored here, our lives will tell your story.
Shine in our darkness.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit. Give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the joy of your salvation.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Readings and Notes for 19th May 2002