St Mark's: 12th May 2002
As we pray for the Church and the World, let us first thank God for the power of His love, which continually surrounds us wherever we are.
Heavenly Father,
we thank you for your love
which freely forgives and
welcomes us into the family of your church
for your love,
which abounds in the joys of creation, so evident
during this month of May
for your love,
which brings peace into our
lives, working through and beyond pain and conflict
for your love,
which challenges and purifies
our hearts
for your love,
which is stronger than death,
and from which nothing can
separate us now or ever.
Lord, may we reach out in our prayers and show that love to others, especially any in special need, using the words of the Ascension hymn:
Christ triumphant, ever reigning,
Saviour, Master, King
Lord of heaven, our lives sustaining, hear us as we bring to you
our concerns and the needs of others.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
Father, we pray for your Church throughout the world, that it may share to the full in the work of your son, revealing you to men and women, and reconciling them to you and to one another.
We thank you for the growing unity within the Church, and pray that together Christians can respond more effectively to the plight of all those in special need, especially during this week of Christian Aid.
We pray now for the Poor, the Hungry, the Homeless, and the Sick
Christ, let me see You in others
Christ, let others see You in me
Christ, let me see.
You are the caller,
You are the poor,
You are the stranger
At the door.
You are the wanderer,
The unfed,
You are the homeless
With no bed.
You are the man
Driven insane.
You are the child
Crying in pain.
You are the other
Who comes to me.
Open my eyes that
I may see.
We pray that many people will respond to these words during this next week.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
We pray now for all the nations and peoples of the world - for all who serve the common good.
We pray especially for the leaders of the world, in whose hands the future of their countries lie, that they may seek justice, freedom and peace for all people.
In particular we pray for Jacques Chirac, the new president of France, and the government to be formed.
We ask also for your blessing and guidance on the current negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and that the whole climate of hostility and distrust in the Middle East can be resolved, so that all people can live together in peace and harmony with a respect for each other.
We pray for all peoples in Afghanistan - that this present war being waged against terrorism may be swift and conclusive, and that people there may then enjoy a time of peace, of purpose and of prosperity.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
We pray for our own Church, for our ministers, for Charlie and Sam, and for all those who lead us in our worship. We thank you for all their ministry with us, and we ask you to bless and guide them in all they do.
We pray your blessing on all who share with us in this Church's life and worship. In particular, we pray for any who are newcomers in our midst, that they will feel your love and presence through this service.
We pray for all those in positions of responsibility within our Church. We ask you to bless our congregational meeting this afternoon, as it reflects on the past and prepares for the future.
We pray for all Churches in our Deanery and Circuit, and especially we ask that those who are beginning to finalise the recommendations of the Circuit Review may receive your guidance in their thoughts.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
We pray for those in need within our own families and in the local community.
Jesus, our healer, we place into your gentle hands those who are sick. Ease their pain and heal any harm done to them in body, mind and spirit. Be present to them through the support of friends, and the care of doctors and nurses, and fill them with the warmth of your love now and always.
We pray for each and every one.
In particular, we thank you for the progress made by Mary, who has now returned home, and pray for the continued recovery of both Mary and John. We pray for Vi ...
In a moment of quiet, we bring before you those known to us
We ask you to bless them Lord. May they know your love, and in doing so, receive courage and strength in their time of need.
We pray for those who mourn through recent bereavement, and for those who miss the companionship and care of loved ones. In particular we think of Bertie ..., his wife and family.
We pray that as we all remember Christ's Ascension to God, our Heavenly Father, and the promises of both Ascension and Pentecost, those assurances will bring new feelings of strength and purpose into people's lives.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light
which no darkness can quench.
We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise
the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
And so finally God our Father, make us joyful in the ascension of Your Son Jesus Christ. May we follow him into the new creation, for His ascension is our glory and our hope. We ask this through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sermon: Looking to Heaven and
Readings and Notes for 12th May 2002