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notre dame montreal


31st March 2002
Easter Sunday

On this Easter Sunday, we begin our intercessions with a prayer of thanksgiving for our risen Lord

Eternal God and Father, by whose power our Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead; With the whole company of your people in heaven and on earth, we rejoice and give thanks,
That he who was dead is alive again and lives for evermore; 
That he is with us now and always, and that nothing can part us from your love in Him; 
That he has opened the way to your kingdom and brought us the gift of eternal life. 
All glory, praise and thanksgiving, all worship, honour and love, 
Be yours, almighty and everlasting God, in time and for all eternity. AMEN

We now pray for the Church worldwide

Lord, we pray for your church in every part of the world; the great family of which we are a part. 

We pray for those who are denied freedom in their religious beliefs, for those called to the suffering of imprisonment, and for those few who are called to martyrdom itself; may their courage set faith alight in other lives. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN

A prayer for wisdom and understanding

Open your doors of mercy. Lord: Hear our prayer and have mercy upon our souls. Lord of the morning and ruler of the seasons, hear our prayer and have mercy upon our souls. 

Shine on us, Lord, and make us light like the day, 
Let your light shine in our minds and drive away the shadows of error and night. 
The creation is full of light, give your light also to our hearts, that we may praise you all the day long; 
The morning and the evening praise you. Lord; they bring the praise of your church. 
Light which gives light to all creatures; give light to our minds that we may thank you, Lord. For your Name's sake. AMEN

We are privileged to be able to come to this Church and to worship together, we pray now for those unable to be here and especially for those who are lonely

We bring to you in our prayers, heavenly Father, all lonely people, especially those who are too old or infirm to enjoy company, and those who are isolated from others through suffering and pain or through a sense of inferiority. We pray that friends or neighbours may be enabled to reach them and lift them out of their loneliness and bring them comfort and hope. We ask it in Christ's name. AMEN.

We remember too those who are unwell at home or in hospital

Lord Christ our Saviour, in the days of your flesh the sick were brought to you for healing; Hear us as we now bring to you in our prayers those who are ill, in body or mind. May your presence be with them to relieve suffering and distress and to restore them to fullness of health, For your great love's sake. AMEN

A prayer for those who have died and those who mourn

Help us, 0 God, to trust you not for ourselves alone, but for those also whom we love and who are hid from us by the shadow of death; that as we believe your power to have raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, so we may trust your love to give eternal life to all who believe in him, who is the resurrection and the life. 

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope: We remember: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

With the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, let us remember her and the Royal Family, especially thinking of the Queen who in a short period of time has lost both her sister and her mother

Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, for her lifetime of devotion and service to her country and its people. We ask that you will be with all the Royal Family at this time of sorrow as they mourn the loss of one of their family. Comfort and uphold them in the days ahead and may they know your presence and peace surrounding them. We ask this in your Name and for your sake. AMEN.

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Merciful Father, Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ AMEN

Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us join together in singing the Lord's prayer.

Sermon: Faith, hope and love and Bible Readings and Notes for 31st March 2002

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