24th March 2002
Palm Sunday
Lord Jesus we come before you on this Palm Sunday and give you thanks.
We remember how you set your face firmly towards Jerusalem, with a single eye and pure intention, knowing what lay ahead but never turning aside. We remember how you rode into your city in triumph, we thank you that you enjoyed the Hallelujahs and Hosannas of ordinary people, living fully in that moment of delight, and accepting their praise. We thank you that you went into the heart of our evil, and pain, along a way that was both terrible and wonderful as your kingship became your brokenness, and your dying became love's triumph.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
We pray today for the church, the body of Christ, longing for its healing, strengthening and openness to your will.
We thank you for calling us into the company of those who trust in Christ and seek to obey his will, and we ask that your spirit guide, and strengthen us all in mission and service to your world.
Lord, we pray for the world, for all the nations longing for peace and tranquility, justice, mercy and forgiveness. We think especially of the people of Zimbabwe, Afghanistan and the Middle East, help them to bear themselves with courage, and fortitude and refrain from bitterness.
Help us all to love one another like brothers and sisters, and help each of us to do our part however small it may be to bring peace and happiness to others.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for our relatives and the family life of our country, longing for the grace to love and honour one another, to trust, and to persevere.
Lord, you embrace all the families of the world, and we pray that we may all grow together in the awareness of your infinite love for us, and that our lives will be a reflection of your brightness and goodness.
We pray for those who are ill or in distress, longing for your comfort, healing and refreshment. Today we remember especially --- and --- and in a moment of silence any others known to us who are in special need of our prayers at this time.
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for those who are passing through the gate of death, longing for your merciful love.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ, by your passion, death, and resurrection you have set us free from sin and death.
May your grace renew our hearts in this period of Lent, help us to turn from sin in our lives, and may we learn to appreciate more deeply the sacrifice you made for us. Accept our prayers as we seek to draw closer to you and strengthen our faith so that we may be a sign of your love in the world. Amen.
Sermon: One in a Million and
Readings and Notes for 24th March 2002