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notre dame montreal


17th February 2002

Let us pray:

On this first Sunday in Lent, Lord Jesus, we remember the trials and temptations of your journey through the wilderness, and how you triumphed over all. 

In our prayers we think of the difficult journeys in life encountered by so many people in the world. We pray that in their different times of need, they may find discernment to see their way ahead, and strength to overcome whatever problems they face. We pray that faith may be deepened in this period of Lent, and all may walk in the light of the Lord.

Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.

We pray for the Church, of which we are members, and thank you for the light it provides for our journeys ahead. We pray for those who lead us in our worship, and for those who enable others to know that light in their lives.

We pray for each others, that we may respond to the challenges that the time of Lent presents to us. Help us to be able to look at ourselves, and to recognise our failings, our inadequacies, and the need for your presence in our journey of life.

We pray that this year's Lenten Course will help us to understand more fully our faith, and enable us to walk in  the light of the Lord in the days ahead.

We pray now for the whole family of the Church. When we receive the bread and wine at our communion, may we experience a sense of belonging to each other. Bind us together, Lord, as a family, so that we can travel along life's journey helping and supporting one another, overcoming together all trials and temptations which confront us.

We pray for our Circuit and Deanery as in different ways they consider the future and all its financial implications. We pray that we may all respond positively to their plans in the knowledge that everything we do is in your name and through you.

Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, we now think of the troubled parts of the world, where there is so much suffering, where darkness prevails and where the light of the Lord seems so remote. 

We pray for people whose humanity is denied by others
- for those who have fled from oppression within their own country
- for those in distress as a consequence of the problems at the Yarlswood Center
- for those without homes and food
- for those suffering from malnutrition, illness and disease
- for those living in fear of the barbarity of soldiers, or tanks and rockets.

We think in particular of people living in Israel and Palestine; in Afghanistan; in Zambia, Zimbabwe and other central African countries.

We pray for all those working for peace and justice. Sustain and encourage them in their difficult work in what must seem an endless journey. In particular we pray for President Bush and his officials as they consider their fight against terrorism. May they know the light of the Lord in everything they do.

Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.

We pray for those in need, both within our own families and in the local community.

We pray for those who are ill, whether in their homes or in hospital. We name them in our hearts and raise them to you. Bless them - may they know your love and in doing so receive courage and strength in their time of need.

We pray for the elderly, especially those unable to leave their homes. We think of all our friends in the Highfields Home. We pray that they will feel your presence and guiding hand.

We pray for the young people coping with the influences and demands of school, of university, of work. May they know real love and security in their lives.

We pray for marriages under stress. For children suffering from abuse or the loss of a parent. For those fighting temptations of alcohol or drugs.

May we all walk in the light of the Lord, responding to the needs of others and showing your love wherever we can.

Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who mourn through recent bereavement.

We remember the Royal Family and the passing of Princess Margaret. We pray for them all, especially the Queen Mother.

We pray for those who still miss the companionship and care of loved ones. We pray that as they journey in this part of their life, the challenges of Lent and the assurances of Easter will bring to them new strength and purpose.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Lord, in your mercy - Hear our prayer.

And so Lord, we pray for ourselves - that we may walk in the light of the Lord, and know his grace, his presence in our daily lives.

Christ our Guide
Stay with us on our pilgrimage through life.
When we falter, encourage us.
When we stumble, steady us.
And when we have fallen, pick us up.
Help us to become, step by step, more truly ourselves.
And remind us that you have travelled this way before us.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sermon: Dealing with Temptation and Bible Readings and Notes for 17th February 2002

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