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27th January 2002
Holocaust Memorial Day

Jesus Christ brings light and life into the world.
We bring before God those things which result in the destruction of  life:

Warfare in the Middle East.
Starvation in Afghanistan.
Disease in Africa.
Volcanic disaster in Goma.
Genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda and Bosnia.
The many atrocities in the Second World War, particularly remembering the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust.

We pray for survivors and victims scarred for life and for those who offer them healing and help.

Help us not to forget, and pour your light into us for we ourselves can be part of their darkness.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

We bring before God those things which deny the value of every person's life:

Injustice, people denied freedom and a fair share of the world's resources.
Discrimination, those who suffer because of their race, culture or religion.
Exploitation - the children in many countries used for cheap labour.

We pray for those who work to overcome injustice and oppression. Pour your love into the hearts of those who feel abandoned and devalued.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

We bring before God people who are finding life empty and worthless:

The prisoner in solitary confinement.
Those without work to sustain themselves and their families.
The addict dependent on drugs which destroy life.
The refugee with no home, unwelcome in a foreign country.

Help us to show your way of truth and love to those in difficulty, who are seeking a life of meaning and integrity, but have not known to look to you. Pout your light and hope into their darkness.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

We bring before God those we know who are finding life a struggle:

The ill at home or in hospital.
The sad and sorrowful after bereavement.
The anxious and worried.
The lonely and depressed.
Those known to us

Pour your comfort, courage and peace into those who suffer in mind, body or soul. 

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We commend to your everlasting love those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

picture of candle

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light.

Lord, have mercy upon us,
Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us.

Lord, give to us and your whole church the spirit of wisdom that we may discern the times in which we live, that we may appropriately fulfil your will and offer wholeness and restoration in your Name. We pray for our churches of St. Mark's and Putnoe Heights that, being filled with your Spirit and united in your love, we may witness to the joy, richness and satisfaction of life in you, and so bring your light into the dark places of our communities.

Merciful Father,
accept our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bible Readings and Notes and Sermon for 27th January 2002

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