4th November 2001
Let us pray for the Church and for the World, and let us thank God for his love, and for knowing that we can place into his hands all our concerns and needs, and know that they will be heard and answered.
As we come before you in prayer, Heavenly Father—
Open our eyes to your presence.
Open our minds to your grace.
Open our lips to your praises.
Open our hearts to your love.
Open our lives to your healing.
And be found among us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We thank you Lord for the Church of which we are members, and pray your blessing on all who share with us in its life and ministry.
We pray for those who minister unto us, for Charlie, for Sam, for Peter—that the Holy Spirit will work through them, helping us all to know your presence in our lives.
We pray for any who are newcomers in our midst, that they will feel your love through those around them.
We pray for those recently confirmed, and rejoice in their knowledge of you.
We pray for all the young people gathered here this morning and for any others known to us.
We pray that we will all know your love and your guidance in our lives.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Heavenly Father, we think now of the troubled parts of the world, which cause us so much pain and grief, and so much doubt and despair.
God of hope, as we search for reassurance and guidance, help us to remember that you have given us the rainbow as a symbol that you are always there. In its colours, you have shown us the variety of human life which exists in the world. Its span between heaven and earth reminds us that our hope for the future is founded on your love and grace, and that you have called us to be peacemakers.
We pray for people whose humanity is denied by others; for those who have fled from oppressions within their own country; for those without homes and food; for those suffering from malnutrition, illness and disease; for those living in fear of the bombing.
As we remember them, we now pray for those who work for peace and justice, and for those trying to show love and care to the desperate and helpless. May they succeed in bringing hope and purpose into their lives. We pray for an end to all conflict and suffering in all countries.
Lord God, make us your rainbow people—glorying in our God-given variety, passionate for peace, trusting in your grace, in the name of Jesus Christ the hope of the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Father of all, we thank you for the joys of family life—for the pleasures and happiness which they bring. We pray that our families may be outward looking and be the kind of families which welcome the stranger, the lonely and the needy.
And so we now pray for the needy, both within our own families and in the local community.
We pray for those who are ill, whether in their own homes or in hospital; for those suffering from addiction; for those mentally depressed.
We pray for the lonely, especially those separated from loved ones, and those with no one to relate to.
We pray for the children and young people coping with the influences and demands of school, university and work.
We pray for the elderly, especially those unable to leave their homes.
We pray for those known to us in the Highfield Home, or any such residential establishment.
We pray on this special Sunday for all those who live and work in Methodist Homes.
We thank you Father for the love and care shown in all these places.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those who mourn through recent bereavement, and for those who still miss the companionship and care of loved ones.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
And so Lord, as we think of own own needs and the many needs of others, help us to stand back and offer our thanks to you, for whatever the situation and problem we know you are the answer to all our problems, that you are always ready to help us, to sustain us, to strengthen us, and to receive us into your ever loving hands.
We pray that our response is first and foremost always to turn to you. We thank you for being there to hear us and to help us.
Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.