21st October 2001
Let us pray
Holy Spirit,you are alive in our church. Without you we would not be able to call God 'Our Father' or say that 'Jesus is Lord'. In small as well as great events you are there encouraging us in faith and hope to believe that nothing is impossible to God our Father. You lift us up when everything seems meaningless or hollow. From the first day, you hovered over the waters of the universes and will continue to be with us until time is no more.
We pray for the church throughout the world and especially this church and Putnoe Heights. We pray for all our church leaders and all who offer their time and talents in the service of Christ.
We thank you for giving us different abilities and different possessions. We offer them back to you, and ask that we may never lose the opportunities we have of using them in your service
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the peoples of the world and their leaders. We pray for all who offer their services in the leadership of the affairs of the world that they may uphold what is right for the peace and survival of mankind. We pray particularly at this time for peace in all countries of the world, where violence, war and terrorism are taking place.
Father, take from us all those fears that burden us and bring life to a standstill.
Purify the minds and attitudes of those involved in bringing violence and terrorism to the world.
May the world know Christ's peace without which society loses its direction and ignores our deep desire for peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Father, we thank you for all our families and friends. Without them we would feel lonely and unwanted. We pray today for all those who feel lonely, that they may experience the gift of a loving family of friends. May their lives be enriched by friendship that dispels their loneliness and makes them aware of their value to others, and to themselves.
We pray for those who are in the middle of some especially difficult time. Those who have some specially difficult task to face, problem to solve or decision to take.
Speak to those who are evading some decision, shrinking from some task or putting off some duty. Help those who are shy. Remember those who are in disgrace and in prison, and keep them from despair.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Jesus, healer of the sick, who raised the dead to life, we praise you for the faith you give us to keep on hoping and praying for those who are ill. In a moment of quietness, we name in our hearts those we know or love who are ill at this time.
You know what is best for each person for whom we pray, so we leave the final outcome to your tender mercy. Listen to the silent tears of those who weep inside their spirits as they yearn to see their loved ones made whole or well again. Your healing of people was the centre of your earthly message. May we continue to pray for those who are seriously ill, and may your inner peace, which is ultimate healing, come to us all.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Almighty Father, be with all those who grieve today over the loss of a loved one. May their sorrow be lit with the brightness of the resurrection. May they know that they are never parted from each other if they are united in Jesus your son.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light, |
Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.