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notre dame montreal

Prayers for Harvest


God our Father, in the name of Jesus your son our saviour, we express the praise and glory which are due to you from all creation and in this we are united in worship and prayer with all Gods people on earth and in heaven. So we are surrounded by a great host of physical and spiritual witness, as we are inspired by the central objects of our faith, your cross, your table, your word, they are the symbols of eternal life, light, truth and redeeming love. By these we are moved to humbly seek a closer communion with you, both in our corporate worship and our personal devotions. And as we pray, we are so deeply conscious that we cannot lift up before you, any person, any event or situation that is not already known to you or that is beyond your power to transform and redeem. You sustain the vast and unknown reaches of the universe, yet nothing escapes your notice, from the shooting star to the falling sparrow, the gentle tear and the final heart beat. You share it all. How great you are.

You embrace the whole world with your love and no one is beyond the scope of your of your salvation and inclusive care. And so we know that you will graciously hear us and understand what experiences and influences move and motivate us to pray as we do today. We believe that you will respond, in your perfect way and in your time scale, to the prayers of all your people and that you are listening now, as you always are, beyond our loud expressions and practiced words, interpreting the whisperings of our soul.

So receive our interceding on behalf of your family on earth, as each of us silently recalls the news of the past week, and briefly scans over the world situation, [fires, typhoon, flood, suicide bombers, Armed robbery] And may these and our silent recollections and concerns, come to you as our prayers ………….

As we remember in silence some of the deep and complex needs of the world. Father we think of others closer to home, with specific needs and challenges, [young people affected by examination results..Those affected by the economic situation, job security, those gripped by addictions, relationship problems …]

we whisper names in our hearts… as we in silence lift them up before you……….

We pray for those we love and take a few moments, to let our inmost concerns, our emotions circulate in mind and heart as we seek your blessings, presence and influence for good upon those precious to us. Help us in our endeavours to love and care and understand and just like you, to be there for them.

Bless, unite and strengthen our family relationships. We pray for our individual needs, as we seek to open our hearts to what really hurts and scares, haunts and causes us to doubt and ask the questions why. May we have a one to one now ……………… we seek your comforting, strengthening presence and influence in our lives…….

So give us grace and renewed hope as we seek again to commit to imitate Jesus and not just pray to you, but work for you. And finally we remember those who have died, both recently and over the years…….. ….

We think of those in our Armed Forces who in recent days and weeks have made the supreme sacrifice in Afghanistan and those returning home crippled physically and mentally. We name before you, those of this area who have recently died, n………….

Help us as a church to witness and to minister to them and the wider needs of our community. We thank you for the life of John Stubbs…. And ask that your loving presence and comfort may dwell with Mary and all the family and with all those who mourn this day. As an expression of assurance of eternal life, we light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines with Gods power and Gods promises and may we all rest secure in that faith and in his sovereign love.

And so Loving God, we sum up our prayers, we offer them to you; using the words Jesus gave to us, who seek to follow him …..Our Father…..