Prayers Sunday 29 September 2013 Harvest Year C
Mr Ian Farthing
The bidding for our prayers is Lord in your Mercy and the response is “Hear our prayer”
Let us pray
Lord of the Harvest we come before you today to give you thanks for all that you have given:
- for all that we have to eat and drink,
- for the work of our hands, our hearts and our minds
- for our creative thoughts and caring actions.
for our world, and the heavens which tell of your glory, for our land, its beauty and its resources
We rejoice that once again your promise has been fulfilled and the seedtime and harvest have not ceased
We pray for all those who make decisions about the resources of the earth and ask that we may all use your gifts responsibly and with thought for others.
Lord we pray For those who work on land and sea, in the city, in health and in Industry that we may enjoy the fruits of their labours for, scientists, inventors for those in medical science that through their work and human ingenuity we may seek to develop your world for the good of all.
We pray for your church as we seek to bring you word to others and we give you thanks that you have called us to celebrate your creation here today
Lord in your mercy
Lord we remember and pray for those for whom the harvest has failed and who have an uncertain future;
- because of the lack of rain
- because of war and natural disaster
- because of trade barriers, corruption and lack of resources.
We pray for a more equal sharing of the world’s harvest, for a spreading of work opportunities, for a closing of the divide between rich and poor and for more understanding between nations, faiths and cultures.
Lord in your mercy
God of Love, we thank you for the gift of life and for all the opportunities this presents for us to help others, today we pray especially for the success of the Bishops Harvest appeal and hope that we may all be inspired to use our gifts whatever they may be however large however small so that together we can make a real difference to the lives of those in need.
Lord as we look down at the food donations brought here today we ask for your blessing on the work of BECHAR and pray that that these gifts will provide sustenance to those in need and reassurance that they are loved and cared for
Lord in your mercy
We pray today for those who are ill whether in body mind or spirit we remember those who are bereaved that in the midst of their loss, pain and suffering that they would know the depths of your love for them .
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light that no darkness can quench we remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light
Lord in your Mercy
Lord as we leave this church today we ask that you your guiding hand may be upon our lives and all those who we meet in the days and weeks ahead, inspire us again with your spirit that those who have, may readily share with those who have not.
Merciful Father Accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen
We will now say together the Lords prayer which can be found on your service sheet