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Intercessions for Harvest 2008

Lord God, Creator of all that there is, we praise you for the beauty and wonder of this universe.

Forgive us that we do not give you sufficient thanks for what we have, considering that all we enjoy has come to us through our own efforts

Forgive us that we are insatiable consumers, devouring the fruits of creation, forgetting the needs of others and failing to care for this earth.

Help us to share with others as you have so generously given to us.

O God, our creator and maker, our Father and our Friend, we thank you for all you have made and for how good it is. Our eyes delight in the beauty
of all that you have caused to exist, our ears ring with the harmony of all that you have given voice to, our hands are full of all that you have
given, our hearts rejoice in all that you have done. O God, we thank you for your gracious and giving love.

Lord, we remember too before you those in various kinds of need to day, and
we pray for them now in the silence of our hearts - and name but some aloud
before you.... (BIDDING PRAYER).... Lord hear our prayer....

We ask all these things, O God, in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. AMEN


Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s Prayer