Church Prayers and Intercessions for The First Sunday after Christmas
Mr Ian Farthing
God our Father we thank you for the message of peace that Christmas brings to our distracted world.
Give peace among nations, peace in our land, peace in our homes, and peace in our hearts, as we remember the birth of the Holy Child at Bethlehem, Jesus Christ our Lord, who is the Light of the world.
Holy Child of Bethlehem,
whose parents found no room in the inn,
we pray for all who are homeless and without adequate shelter this day.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Holy Child of Bethlehem,
born in a stable,
we pray for all who are living in poverty, those without work, and those who are hungry.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Holy Child of Bethlehem,
rejected stranger,
we pray for all who are lost, alone, and for all who cry for the comfort of someone who cares.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Holy Child of Bethlehem,
whom Herod sought to kill,
we pray for all in danger, those who are frightened, oppressed, and for all who are persecuted.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Holy Child of Bethlehem,
a refugee in Egypt,
we pray for all who are far away from their homes, their countries and their families.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Holy Child of Bethlehem,
in you the Eternal was pleased to dwell,
help us, we pray, to see your divine image in all people everywhere.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Holy Child of Bethlehem
You placed your hands on the sick and healed them.
You were moved with compassion to all who were suffering.
Be with all who are sick, and bless those in the medical profession who seek to heal, and for all those who offer care.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Holy Child of Bethlehem
You raised to life your friend Lazarus and you are the resurrection and the life.
Reassure us in our grief and mourning as we entrust those who have gone before us into your eternal arms.
You are the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench and we light a candle to symbolise your light which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Light of life, you came in flesh, born into human pain and joy, and gave us power to be your children.
Grant us faith, O Christ, to see your presence among us, so that all of creation may sing new songs of gladness and walk in the way of peace.
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ – Amen