Prayers for Epiphany 2014
Mr Ian Farthing
The bidding for our prayers is Lord in your Mercy and the response is hear our prayer
Let us pray.
O God our Heavenly Father as the leading of the star brought people from different nations to worship before you, we pray for your Church, of which we are members, and we give you thanks for the light it provides for our journeys ahead.
We remember all who spend their lives leading others to you, supporting and encouraging them on their spiritual journey, give them your ideas, your love for others, your joy and your humility.
We pray that your church, may be welcoming and sensitive to those looking for meaning and purpose, and may it be a place of sanctuary and support for all those in need.
Lord in you Mercy
Father we thank you for your love for children and today we pray especially for Lleyton whom we have brought to you in baptism, bless him with your grace & love, surround him with goodness, guide his steps along the way and keep him from harm. Grant that he may grow to lead a life full of happiness, faith and love for all those around him.
Lord in your mercy
Lord, we give you thanks for your presence in our homes and our community, for our family and friends. We ask you to bless all who through their talents, love and kindness have enriched our lives.
We pray for our relationships with others, our neighbours, colleagues and our families for the grace to forgive readily, listen attentively and to be available whenever they are in need.
We pray for our leaders and advisers in politics, business, education and health for good values for integrity and compassion for courage to stand up for what is right.
We pray for peace in all countries of the world where violence. war and terrorism are taking place and we pray especially for those who seek to make peace in this divided world.
Lord in your mercy
Father we pray for those who suffer in body, mind or spirit, give them courage and hope in their troubles.
We think of those we know who are in special need of our prayers at this time and in a moment of silence we now name them in our hearts.
Father we pray for those whom we have loved and see no longer, grant them your peace, let light perpetual shine upon them and in your loving wisdom and power the sure and certain knowledge that
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench.
We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolize the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
We remember
You turn our darkness into light, in your light shall we see light.
Lord in your Mercy
Lastly we pray for ourselves and for all the possibilities and opportunities that the New Year will bring.
In the knowledge that in all that we do you are always at our side,
may we remember to give you praise and thanks when things go well and be ready to ask for your help, love, mercy and grace when life seems hard to bear.
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ – Amen
We will now say together the Lord’s Prayer .