Church Prayers and Intercessions
Epiphany Prayers
Intercessions 3 January 2016
This week we celebrate Epiphany and remember the Magi who were ttravellers from a foreign land, led to worship Jesus by following
a star which appeared in the heavens.
This is also the start of a new year and we seek to learn from the past that we might be better
disciples of Jesus in the challenges of the year ahead.
God of yesterday, today and tomorrow, we give you thanks that you have walked with us through all that has happened
to us through
the events of
the past year. We thank you for all of the times when we have felt your presence with us as we faced difficult decisions
or worrying situations.
We also thank you for those times when we felt fearful and alone, yet in spite of our fraility know
that you have always been at our side.
Help us to be living examples
of your light in a darkend world, so that others would be drawn to you as surely as the Magi followed the star.
As we go forward into another year give us strength to continue to trust in your unfailing love for us and for all humankind.
Help us to be be bold in the days ahead, to be willing to trust in you and to never be afraid of serving you in whatever situations
we may face. Lead us by the light of your love and bless us and keep us as we faithfully seek to walk in your way.
Heavenly Father you have made the heavens and the wonder of galaxies which lie far beyond human time. They bear witness
to your majesty and remind us that you are far beyond our comprehension and that what we know of you is but as like dim reflection in a mirror.
Yet we are reminded
this day of your deep love which guided travellers from foreign lands to worship at the birth the birth place of your Saviour.
Give us open hearts and minds that we would be able to embrace those who are of different cultures and beliefs, and help us to
apprecite how you work in the lives of people of other faiths and people whose faith is known only to you.
Bless and protect all of those from other countries who live in fear for their safety in lands which are afflicted by political, religious or cultural intolerance.
We remember those who
suffer from hatred and who live in fear and we are mindful of those who have fled their homes and seek safety in other countries
or in refugee camps. Give wisdom to world leaders as they seek to find ways to provide safety and shelter for those in need and may we always
appreciate the value and seek to protect each human life which you have created.
At this time of year our churchyards are full of flowers and tokens of remembrance for those who have died and we remember those who will remain precious
to us throughour our lives. May those who have gone before us find peace in your everlasting arms and may those who mourn know the comfort of your eternal love.
Merciful Father accept these prayers