Church Prayers and Intercessions for Epiphany 6
Heavenly Father we come to you in the greatness of your love and lift up our hearts in prayer and praise. We thank you that the way to your presence is always open through Jesus Christ and that you invite us to draw near in full assurance of faith. Help us to pray simply and sincerely, unselfishly and gratefully, remembering the needs of others as well as our own, and giving thanks always for all things in the name of Christ our Lord
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for our own Church, for the progress of Christ’s mission here at St Marks and in the wider community and seek God’s guidance and help in the tasks to which he has called us.
We pray for Charlie, Sam and Wendy, and the teaching ministry of this church, that we may be well equipped and instructed in the truths of our faith
For members of the church council, in their responsibility as leaders,
For those who have the care of children and young people within our church centre, in our schools, and wider youth organisations,
For those who share in the ministry of care, counsel and comfort, and to those to whom they minister: the sick, the bereaved, the elderly and the lonely,
For our civic leaders and those who maintain the health and safety of our community
For ourselves as church members that we may have the grace to proclaim through our lives the joy of Christ’s victory
Grant that all who come in to our church may be enabled to renew their relationship with you and may find your peace, your strength, your grace and above all your presence. Help us as a congregation to be outward looking, so that what we find within our fellowship we may share with those outside, for the benefit of all and for your greater glory.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we pray for our Queen and the Royal Family. Let their devotion to duty, love of this nation, and concern for people overseas be for us an inspiration.
We pray for our Prime Minister and members of Parliament as they negotiate the political future of our nation. Give them your wisdom, insight and a concern for the common good.
We pray for our Bishops, Alan and Richard and for Sam as he enters a new stage in his ministry and takes up his appointment as Chaplain to the Bishop of Bedford.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
With faith and love we remember all those who are ill at this time. We hold them up to you in the confidence that you love them and know their needs. Please bring them your peace in their pain, your strength in their weakness and your comfort in their sadness.
Lord of all life, we pray for those who have recently died and for those whose anniversary we recall. Jesus Christ is the light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light
Father we pray that as we come before your table today that our communion is not mere routine but a precious time of fellowship with Jesus Christ as we thankfully remember his redeeming love and meet with him as our living Lord
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.