Church Prayers and Intercessions for Candlemas, fourth Sunday of Epiphany
Mr Ian Farthing
The bidding for our prayers is Lord in your mercy and the response is hear our prayer
Let us pray
Father we ask for your encouragement and inspiration in all areas of ministry in the church pour out you blessing on all who work for the spreading of your kingdom
We pray for your Church throughout the world with its variety, diversity and richness and for all Christians who are eager to learn more of your message and your will for us
Grant that all who come in to this church may be enabled to renew their relationship with you and may find your peace, your strength, your grace and above all your presence.
Help us as a congregation to be outward looking, so that what we find within our fellowship we may share with those outside, for the benefit of all and for your greater glory.
Father we pray that as we come before your table today we do so with joyful and expectant hearts, and go out afterwards nourished and strengthened in spirit to serve you in the world.
Lord in your mercy
Father we ask for you guidance and protection in all areas of conflict and confusion pour out your wisdom on all who lead and hold positions of authority.
In these everchanging and unchartered times we pray for World Leaders and government ministers in every nation.
We pray that those who lead and take on great responsibilities may not simply wish to seem great in the eyes of other’s,
but may genuinely serve their people, searching continually for polices and strategies which will be for the good of all, especially for the weakest and most vulnerable.
We pray for the victims of war and violence among individuals and nations
We pray for the children who suffer when people put their faith in weapons and war
We pray for the multitudes in every country who are opposed to war and are ready to walk the road of peace
Hear our prayer and grant us insight and strength so that we may always respond to hatred with love, to injustice with total dedication to justice, to need with the willingness to share, to war with peace.
Lord in your mercy,
Father we ask for your faithful presence in our homes and for all homes in this parish, pour out your spirit of love, of friendship, of kindness, patience and forgiveness.
We pray for our homes that they may be filled with your presence.
Make them homes of peace and kindliness, of holiness and hospitality, of grace and of goodness.
Father help us to show, openness, love and tolerance to all to care for our neighbours and to be more aware of the needs of the people around us.
Lord in your mercy
Father we ask for your firm holding when our journey is hard, pour out your strength to those who are sick in body mind or spirit.
Reassure them that because of the knowledge that you give to us, many diseases and illnesses can now be cured.
Help them to have confidence in those with medical knowledge to diagnose illness and to heal and to care for the sick. Father give all who suffer your peace in their pain, your strength in their weakness and your comfort in their sadness
Lord in your mercy
Father we ask for your reassurance and comfort pour out your welcoming love as we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them, for members of our families and our friends who have died and today our prayers are especially with Alison, Richard and their families as they mourn the loss of our dear sister Mary and also for the family and friends of Barbara Edwards and we pray that you would.
Help us all to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit within us, and the fellowship of the church family around us until we are reunited once more in your heavenly kingdom.
Jesus Christ is the light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolize the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope - we remember
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light
Lord in your mercy
Father we ask you to accept with joy our thanks and praise for all you are and all you accomplish fill us we pray with your light and life that we may show forth your wondrous glory.
Grant that your love may so fill our lives that we may count nothing too small to do for you, nothing too much to give and nothing too hard to bear.
Merciful father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ – Amen
We will now sing together the Lord’s Prayer