Church Prayers and Intercessions for Epiphany 4
Mr Ian Farthing
God of the living, of the present moment, your word contains truth for each new generation. We pray for fresh and exciting reminders of the power and glory of your sovereign love. Speak to us anew, living God, of your concern for the poor and oppressed. Help us to announce your good news; to proclaim your liberty to those held captive; to work and pray for a better world. Help us to share the hope we have in you; to proclaim your love for every individual; to work and pray for a new life for all people. Help us to be united in love and respect for one another; to proclaim your salvation to the world; to work and pray under the guidance of your Spirit. Amen
Father we ask for your encouragement and inspiration in all areas of ministry in the church; pour out your blessings on all who work towards the spreading of your Kingdom, we ask for guidance and protection in all areas of conflict and confusion in the world; pour our your wisdom on all who lead, we ask for reassurance and comfort wherever people are hurting or crying inside the brave face; pour out your welcoming love and give them the peace they crave, we ask for your firm holding, wherever our journey leads. Amen