Church Prayers and Intercessions for Epiphany 4
Mr Ian Farthing
The bidding for our prayers is Lord in your Mercy and the response is hear our prayer
Let us pray
Blessed be the Lord our God, creator of the Universe who causes us to pray for the world of which we are a part; a world often made of man’s pain and suffering ,error and hate, prejudice and ignorance, arrogance and pride.
Lord God of compassion, hear us as we pray for those who suffer today, for the horrors of the past.
Today on Holocaust Memorial Day we pray for survivors of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, for genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur for all those whose memory of its awfulness and desolation, still haunts, still hurts and still torment’s, we pray for all that in their darkness they may see and know your light and your love
Lord in your mercy
Lord God of healing hear us as we pray for those who work for reconciliation and understanding, peace, respect and tolerance.
Guide and strengthen organisations that foster friendship, and heal hurts and bitter memories, that promote faithful encounter and honest dialogue.
In the coming week we come to a critical time in the Brexit process and we pray for all members of parliament
that as they come together and make their decisions, you would bring to them harmony, understanding and a common sense of good and purpose in leading us forward.
Lord in your mercy
Lord God of Truth, hear us as we pray for those who encourage interfaith dialogue and international peace and relations, for those who pioneer new ways of thinking and understanding, those who encourage fresh visions of a
world where we respect diversity and cultural differences celebrating the richness of different traditions, where we learn from one another and glimpse something of the Mystery that is God.
Lord in your mercy
Lord God of Pity and comfort, hear us as we pray for those who are caught in the world’s conflicts and natural disasters ; innocent men, women and children. Hear their cries, feel their pain and loss, see their desolation and strengthen them in the knowledge that you are with then every step of their difficult journeys.
Lord in your mercy
God of Mercy, hear us as we pray for those who are dying, for those with no-one to care for them, no-one to love them, those who die and nobody knows their name.
We pray you will send us to the lost and afraid, the destitute and the dying, the lonely and the oppressed.
Give us grace, give us energy and give us a vision of your love and empower us to do your will. Today our thoughts are especially with the Bentley family as they mourn the loss of our brother in Christ David
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench we remember before God all those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light
Lord in your mercy
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen