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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions for The Third Sunday of Epiphany

Mr Ian Farthing

Prayers 26th January 2020
Heavenly Father we bring before you today our prayers for the church and the world knowing that you will hear us and help us.
Father we ask for you encouragement and inspiration in all areas of ministry in the church, pour out your blessings on all who work for the spreading of your kingdom. 
Father bless the family of the church, may we accept one another as brothers and sisters finding strength and joy in our life together, may we be a family open to all families of mankind that in the church they may overcome all the hostilities and prejudices that might otherwise drive them apart.
Help each of us to be glad of your presence, give to us the help we need to be loyal and faithful servants knowing that with your loving power nothing need make us afraid.
Lord in your mercy

Father we ask for your guidance and protection in all areas of conflict and confusion, pour out your wisdom on all who bear the burden of leadership in the world.
When nations have lost their way, their sense of human worth or their integrity we pray that you would nourish them with your love and guide them with your wisdom.
We pray for peace in the world for countries where there is war for places where there is hatred between races.
By your spirit among us, may bitterness and hatred be cast aside and may goodwill peace and love which is your will for us find a place in the hearts of all people
Lord in your mercy

Father we ask for your reassurance and comfort wherever people are hurting or crying, for those who are ill, for the lonely the disillusioned and the disheartened, for the refugee and the homeless, for the hungry and the poor
Father wherever people are suffering whether physically or emotionally pour out your welcoming love, may they know your comfort and your strength and give them the peace they seek.
Today we think and pray especially for those across the globe whose lives and health is being   affected and upturned by the Coronavirus, may we your people using all our energy, skills and imagination and trusting in your steadfast love be united with one another and work together in conquering this disease and the fear surrounding it. 
Lord in your Mercy

Father we ask for your firm holding wherever our journey leads and at the time of death your mercy.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench we remember before God all those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember especially
Our dear friend

You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light

Lord in your mercy

Father we ask you to accept with joy our thanks and praise for all you are and all you accomplish working through us.
May we approach the day before us with cheerfulness and sincerity of heart, help us in all things fearlessly to do what we know to be right, save us from hypocrisy and pretence make us truthful  unselfish and strong and bring us to the end of this day unashamed and with a quiet heart and  a content mind  

Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ
We will now say together the Lords prayers