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Intercessions for Easter 2008 by Mrs Sue Allen

You are risen, let trumpets proclaim,
You are risen,, let sun brightly flame,
You are risen, dark night is past
You are risen,, hope will now last,
You are risen, let us not dread,
You are risen, back from the dead,
You are risen, Lord of the skies,
You are risen - help us to rise!

Lord God, our Heavenly Father, we thank you for the glory of this Easter Day and for our opportunity to join together here in worship on this joyous morning. We thank you for the love that you have shown us in the gift of your Son Jesus Christ. We thank you for raising him up –and for the sure hope that you will raise each of us up in newness of life. We pray that, day by day ,we may draw closer to Christ, and, experiencing his love, so be able to extend your love to others. May we, through your grace, hold and keep this resurrection experience that we may share it with all who do not comprehend it and with all who have need of it.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for our ministers, for Joan, as she prepares to move on to the next phase in her ministry, that she may be an ever more faithful witness to Christ. For Charlie and for Sam that they may continue in trust and faith to bring the word of God to this community in Bedford. We pray for members and friends of the churches at Putnoe Heights and St Marks, that we may be a people ready to respond with generosity to the call of God in our lives and that we continue to understand the profound richness of that calling.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, grant us peace in your world……………. We remember today the people of Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Tibet. In our own country we pray for those living in areas of deprivation where high unemployment and crime levels make daily living a tough challenge.
Loving Father, we pray for those who cannot worship in freedom as we do, through persecution and hostility in lands with different cultures. We pray also for all who work to spread the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and the promise of our Lord’s resurrection in bringing us all to the eternal joys of your heavenly kingdom.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask your blessing on all young people as they make important choices in their lives, remembering all those who will be preparing for important exams next term. Bless and guide them and shield all your children from harm. We pray for all parents, teachers and youth workers.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In compassion we call to mind all who suffer at this time in physical or emotional pain, all who are weighed down with worry, guilt or despair. Restore and refresh them, comfort and free them, and let the glorious light of your resurrection shine upon them. Dear Lord, we thank you for your many gifts to us and we look forward to the time when we are raised up to be with your Son, Jesus Christ, in heaven. We remember those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which always conquers the darkness. Today we remember…………………………….. In your light may we see light.

Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.