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notre dame montreal

Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

Lord Jesus we listen to your words today which call for us to live in a radically different way
Help us to be conscious of our thoughts and feelings in our hearts and minds and how they can become
hurtful words and wrongful deeds. By your Holy Spirit cleanse the thoughts of our hearts and lead us
into right thinking and loving actions.

We pray that the way in which we live would reflect our Christian calling and work with our family
and friends, the way we spend our money and all of the different parts of our lives. May our fellowship
with one another on Sundays be an occasion in which we are encourgaed and equipped to make a difference
in our world. Give us courage to be bold in our witness to the Good News of the Gospel.

As you have welcomed us, may we seek out others that more may be blessed with the
knowledge of your unfailing love

We pray for those troubed or in need. Give to us peace which comes from trusting in your loving care.
We trust in your promises that you know the deepest parts of our souls and understand our every need.
Therefore we offer to you everything which causes us to worry, knowing that you are with us no matter
what situations we may face.

We think today of those who are facing or undergoing medical treatment,
those who are fearful of test results, those who are sick and long to be well. Be their constant companions,
guard and protect them, set your angels charge over them and may they know the power of your healing touch.

Lord God we are mindful that you have promised to us that beyond the trials of this world you have
prepared good things which no eye can see. So set our hearts beyond the temporary things of this world,
that we might live in an awarenessof your heavenly country to which we all belong.

We remember those who have died and we pray that we with them might be united in that place beyond
the time and tears of this world and know the joy of living in your presence.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench
we light a canlde to symbolise the Light of Christ
which eternally shines and brings hope.

Merciful Father
Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son
our Saviour Jesus Christ.