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notre dame montreal

Prayers for Sunday 28 April Easter 5

By Ian Farthing

Putting our trust in God let us pray for the church and the world

Lord God trusting in your love we pray for your church throughout the  world, and for all church leaders and those in authority and for our own ministers for  Sam, and Jane and we pray especially for Charlie following his installation as a Canon of the Cathedral in St Albans.
Today we pray for  our congregations at St Marks and Putnoe Heights and as we  look ahead to our  Annual Congregational Meetings, we thank you for bringing us together to further the work of your church in our community and the world and may we each offer back to you willingly our different abilities and contributions to be used in your service.

Lord God trusting in your authority we pray for all international discussions and negotiations, we ask you to purify the minds and attitudes of all world leaders that they may seek the way of peace without which society loses its direction and purpose.
Help us all to be peacemakers so that we build bridges that bring people together and not create walls that divide and exclude, and may we strive through love and understanding always to be part of the solution and never part of the problem.
Lord in your mercy, Hear Our Prayer

Lord God trusting in your gentleness we pray for your loving care for members of our family and friends both near and far, supply their needs, guide their footsteps , keep them safe in body and soul and unite us all to one another in the arms of your love .

Lord God trusting in your wisdom we pray for those who labour to find cures and protection from disease for all doctors nurses and health workers who care for the sick and infirm.
May your love care and healing power flow through their eyes, their lips and their hands bringing health, new life, comfort and peace to those they serve and today we also pray for Tommy Hulatt and Joan Ward who are ill in hospital.
Lord in your mercy, Hear Our Prayer

Lord God Trusting in your mercy we pray for all who mourn  the loss  of a loved one, give to them Lord the strong comfort which no one else can give and let them know the comforting power of the resurrection.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench we remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope
We remember

You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light.

Lord in your mercy, Hear Our Prayer
Lord God trusting in your goodness and love as we leave this place we ask that you touch us with your judgement ,and confront us with your tenderness that being comforted by you we may reach out with love to a troubled world in your name
Merciful Father