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Church Prayers for 30 April 2012

Prayers of Intercession Easter 5

Mrs Morag Stewart

Prayers – Sunday 29th April 2012
Following the example of Jesus, let us bring our prayers before God our heavenly father.

Heavenly Father,
We thank you for those whose influence has led us to come to worship in this place this morning. We remember family members, teachers, church leaders, friends and colleagues who have encouraged us to follow in the Christian way. We give thanks for the fellowship which we find in this church which supports us as we seek to put our faith into practice in our daily lives. Strengthen us, Lord, in your service, so that we, in our turn, may be an encouragement to others.

O Lord, hear our prayer

Heavenly Father,
We pray for your church at St. Mark's and Putnoe Heights. Keep before us the vision of church communities where people of different church backgrounds will work and worship together harmoniously and where those who seek to know more about the Christian faith will find a welcome. Give us a clear understanding of the work you have set before us and a fresh commitment to your service in the coming year. Give wisdom to our ministers and the Leadership teams at this time, and may our witness in Brickhill and in Putnoe continue to grow.

O Lord, hear our prayer

We pray for people who are suffering in mind or spirit
those facing long and incurable illness
those depressed by the cares and sorrows of daily life
those who are homeless, those who are lonely,
those who have disturbed or troubled minds
those who are unemployed and see no future for themselves
those who are persecuted for their beliefs

We pray for families in need.
We pray for families who are suffering, either from their own mistakes or from the mistakes of others:
• for children separated from one parent and cut off from grandparents
• for parents who see their children for only part of the week
• for families who have many problems and lack hope
• for husbands and wives who no longer find joy in each other
• for families struggling to make ends meet
• for the unemployed who feel hopeless and unwanted
Help us to be good listeners when friends and neighbours need us. Give us the right words and help us to know what simple acts of kindness may help someone else.

O Lord, hear our prayer

Heavenly Father
We pray for people who are frightened because they are ill. Reassure them that because of the knowledge that you give to men, many diseases can now be cured. Help them to have confidence in those with medical knowledge to diagnose illness and care for the sick. Give them courage, hope and peace, and the knowledge that you are present in their weakness, pain and suffering.
We pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them, for members of our families who have died and whose anniversary we recall. Give strength to those who are left to grieve and to those who still miss the companionship and care of those dear to them.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died, and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. Today we remember

You turn our darkness into light,
in your light shall we see light

Join together in singing the Lords Prayer