Prayers for Christ the King Year B 2012
Prayers of Intercession Nov 25th. 2012
Daniel 7:9-10 Adoration of ‘the Ancient of Days’
Rev.1:4b-8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega”
John 18:33-37 “Are you a king?” asks Pilate
The bidding and response will be as on your Order of Service where you will also find the words of the Lord’s Prayer which we will say together afterwards.
We pray together,
Majestic and all encompassing God, you are the authority over everything that exists in all of creation, and yet you are one with us and we are one with you.
We bring before you now in our prayers of intercession our hopes and dreams for a better world, better human relationships and of lives restored to wholeness. In all these we acknowledge you King of all and seek no more than your grace allows. And so…….
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
Father of all nations we pray for your world-wide Church, that it may continue to spread into every corner of the globe. We pray for all our world-wide Christian brothers and sisters especially for those in countries in the Middle East at a time of rising uncertainties, tensions and open conflict. We pray for the Middle East Council of Churches its General Secretary and Staff that you will support and strengthen them in their faith to be beacons of hope in the midst of hatred and conflict.
We pray for our own Anglican and Methodist denominations for the St. Albans Diocese and North Bedfordshire District and their leaders. We pray for all who took part in the recent Church of England General Synod and for a continuation of dialogue to urgently reconcile both traditional and more progressive views regarding gender equality.
So we pray for our own church here at St. Mark’s and at Putnoe Heights and for all who give of their time and talents to carry forward the work of Christian witness to your eternal praise and glory.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
Lord we pray for an end to all that causes conflicts and wars. We are reminded once again that open warfare offers little in the way of lasting solutions when the cause is often deep rooted and blurred by racial, social or religious overtones. Lord Jesus you showed that no barrier to reconciliation was impregnable; that even those some classed as ‘untouchable’ could share equally in the kingdom of God, and that your grace was sufficient to overcome all hatreds for those who would open their hearts to accept it.
We pray that the truce between Israel and Gaza will lead to more dialogue and a more secure and lasting peace.
We pray for the persecuted Muslim minority in Burma that world opinion will begin to change the Burmese government’s approach and accept a caring responsibility for all its own peoples.
We pray for the work of all those involved in bridging the chasms which divide peoples. We remember the work of the United Nations and of the many Non-Governmental Agencies dealing at first hand with the injured, with refugees or with repairing damaged infrastructure.
We remember the peoples of many nations rebuilding after the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy and pray for all those facing up to the ravages of nature in all its forms.
We continue to remember and pray for our own armed forces in Afghanistan and the sacrifices they make on our behalf and especially pray for those who are engaged in mentoring the local police and army personnel. We pray for courage and compassion on the front line and for safe returns to those who wait at home when their tours are over.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
As financial uncertainty continues to stalk our boardrooms, workplaces and high streets we pray, especially at this time of year, for those whose jobs and livelihoods are threatened. We give thanks for the many agencies who gear up at this season to helping the most disadvantaged in society and pray that they find the recourses that they need to fulfil their aims.
We pray for all who hold offices of power and influence that their programmes and policies are ones which unite, encourage and enrich the lives of all people.
This weekend we pray for all whose property, livelihood and even lives are under threat from flooding. We remember the work of the emergency services and those organising temporary accommodation and relief for those most directly affected.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
We pray for those in most need in our own families and neighbourhood, thinking of the elderly, the housebound and those in hospital and hospice. We remember residents in William Harpur House, Highfield and Anjulita and Ladyslaude Courts.
We pray for all carers and visitors whether family members, Volunteers or Health care professionals; for they do your work and so we ask for them your gifts of patience, compassion and understanding.
So now we share a moment of silence together as we bring before you those we know who are in need at this time.
(A short period of silence and reflection)
As we have named them in our hearts so let them feel your presence and friendship in their lives as we commit them to your loving care.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
We also remember those we have loved but see no more and pray for those left behind to grieve for a while and then to continue on life’s journey knowing that things will not be the same.
As we show to the bereaved our love and compassion, help us also to share with them the certain knowledge that………..
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. Today we remember: -
For you turn our darkness into light; in your light shall we see light.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
A final prayer for ourselves: -
Lord when we feel weak and uncertain, reassure us that we are held in your love.
And when we feel confident and strong, challenge us with the work that’s needed to further your kingdom in this time and place.
Merciful Father, “Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen”.
(We say together the words that Jesus taught us)
THE LORD’S PRAYER (Authorised Version)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. AMEN