Christian worship, sermons, prayer and Bible study from St. Mark's Church and Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford, England - The world is our parish |
Intercessions for Candlemas
By Mr John Stubbs
Loving Lord like Simeon in the temple we have seen in Jesus your promise of
salvation. His life, death and resurrection have fulfilled that promise,. We
trust that you will hear us as we pray, and answer us as seems right We
bring now our concerns and intercessions for your world. Lord in your mercy
Throughout today and every day in every part of your world countless men and
women will worship you, trusting their lives to you and to those promises,
and we pray for them. Especially we pray for all who worship at risk of
their lives, and ask that you will uphold them in their danger and keep them
faithful come what may. We remember all who are called to lead your people
and pray for them that they may be given clarity of vision and courage to
follow their calling wherever it may lead. We pray for the leaders of the
Church in this country as they grapple with the tensions between the call of
faith and the impact of society’s vision of justice and equality. We pray
for martin, Jacqueline, Joan, Charlie and Sam as they minister to us in this
circuit and parish. May they and we find the way to witness and show what
your love means for all people. Lord in your mercy
Jesus was called the Prince of Peace and we pray that your promises
fulfilled in that title may become real in our time and lives. May those who
exercise power in every land be ruled not only by their heads but by loving
hearts and work to create a brotherhood and sisterhood between all men and
women and all nations. We remember the fighting in Iraq and Afganistan, in
Dafur and so many other parts of your world and pray for all those caught up
in it as participants or victims. Whatever Jesus calls us individually to do
to contribute to peace in our community and our world, may we do it
wholeheartedly. Lord in your mercy
Throughout his life Jesus was with people in their joy and strength and in
their weakness and fear. We thank you for the experiences of your nearness
in our own lives and we pray that all our neighbours and friends, all those
with whom we work or play, those who we like and who like us, those who we
dislike and who dislike us, all may know your love and presence. In the
quietness of our hearts and minds we remember and pray for those known to us
who need you - in their illness……their loneliness…… their agony of mind as
they search for meaning in life…… Be especially near them. We pray for all
who work to tend the needy, doctors, nurses, social workers, and those who
help to shape lives – parents, teachers in school or nursery, youth workers.
May we play our part in building up lives and bringing your love to all. And
on Homelessness Sunday we pray for all who have no place to call their own,
and for the work of all agencies seeking to help them. Lord in your mercy
Simeon saw Jesus as a light for revelation and we remember those who are now
in the full light of your heavenly kingdom. We light a candle to remind us
that Jesus is still the light of our world and that in him we see light.. We
remember today
We thank you for their lives and pray that those who mourn them may find
comfort, assurance and peace.
Lord in your mercy
As we go into the coming week help us to trust once more in the promise
which Jesus brings of life and hope, and make us willing to respond to
whatever may happen, expected or unexpected, secure in the salvation which
Jesus offers us.
Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
(Modern Form)
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins.
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom the power and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen