Prayers for Sunday after Ascension
Prayers for Sunday and the Week ahead
On this Sunday after Ascension we remember how frightened the disciples were when they felt that they faced the world alone. We remember them huddled together with the doors locked terrified of the world outside. Then Lord Jesus you visited them and spent time with them reassuring them of your continued presence. You promised them that you would be with them wherever they went - and that whatever situation they faced, you would stand beside them. So give us they eyes of faith to see you present with your church as we seek to be your body here on earth.
Lord Jesus you prayed to the Father that we would find protection in God’s name, so that we might with each other that unity which is shared between the Father and Son.
Forgive us when our prayers seek divine intervention for our own desires and not for the unity for which you prayed.
Forgive us when your church is seen to be ill at east with itself, divided and preoccupied with our own concerns.
Work in the hearts of your people that your church would share the love which you have and draw others to know the joy of your risen life.
We pray for our church leaders that they might be granted wisdom and compassion to lead your people. We pray for Alan our Bishop and for Richard Atkinson the new Bishop of Bedford and Helen as they start their new ministry here in Bedford. We pray for Anne our Circuit Chair and for Andrew our Superintendent.
As the Olympic torch is taken through the street of our country we pray for all of those associated with the Olympic games. We pray for safety for all involved, for a games which will help build peace among the nations. We remember the 15 Olympic and Paralympic teams and more than 250 sportspeople from around the world who will be hosted here in Bedford and pray that they will receive hospitality and a warm welcome.
We pray for world leaders as they meet at Camp David for the G8 Summit. We remember the poor and vulnerable in countries like Greece and Spain which are now facing high unemployment and failing public services. We pray that our world leaders would work together to meet the challenges posed by failing economies and national debts.
We remember those who work in our community to make it a better place to live; for the care workers in our residential homes, for those who empty our dustbins, collect the litter and remove graffiti from the walls, for those who fill holes in our roads to make them safe.
We commend to you the volunteers engaged here in our church community centres, those who give of their time to help build a better place to live. We pray for your blessing to be upon the work of those who help children and seek to teach them so that they grow to enjoy living fulfilled lives. We pray for our schools which face increasing challenges as they deal with difficult choices and new situations.
Lord Jesus you showed your compassion towards all of those who were physically unwell. So we bring before your our prayers for those who are suffering. Hear us as we bring their names before you and ask for your presence in whatever situation they find themselves. May they know your peace in their distress and entrust themselves to your tender mercy.
We pray for all of those facing death, that you would comfort them and hold them safe in your loving care. As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death may the light of your presence guide us to the light of God’s love. We pray for those who have died and those who mourn their loss, especially today we remember… So may the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.