Prayers of Intercession for Advent
By Ian Farthing
The Bidding for our prayers today is “Lord in your mercy “ and the response is “hear our prayer”
Lord as we come before you today on this First Sunday of Advent we ask you to prepare us for your coming, you promised through your son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in faith and we bring before you today the needs of the Church and the world
Lord prepare us for your coming – in the church
We pray for your church today, gathering all around the world in tiny churches and great cathedrals to praise you and to hear your holy word. Give us a sense of expectation as we come and inspiration as we go.
Help us to put our differences behind us and to unite instead behind the great commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations and all people.
We pray for your blessing on all those who preach, and teach the message of your salvation and we pray especially for our own Ministers for Charlie, Sam and Jane as they seek to do your will and guide us through our spiritual and worldly journeys.
Lord in your mercy
Lord prepare us for you coming- in the world
Drive away despair from our politics, revive our dreams of justice and truth, restore our passion for what is good and right.
Establish your just and gentle rule in Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan,and other areas of the world where there is conflict and where peace has been powerless and violent people have had their day.
We ask you to govern the hearts and minds of those who lead our nations and for those in authority that they may act justly, with honesty and integrity according to your will.
Lord in your mercy
Lord prepare us for your coming- in our own community
In our daily life, help us never to forget the supremacy of love. May love motivate our care for our neighbourhoods in Brickhill and Putnoe, may love heal the social ills, which sometimes drag us into despair.
May love inspire our citizenship to rise beyond mediocrity, and may we always remember that we are members one of another and that we can never live to ourselves alone.
Lord in your mercy
Lord prepare us for you’re coming- in those in need
On this day we pray for the homeless, the refugees the expelled and forgotten people everywhere and we remember especially today all those involved in the work of BECHAR as they seek to make a difference for the men and women they serve.
May they know that your guiding hand is with them in their daily work and tireless endeavours.
We ask you to help us all to use our gifts and our talents to the greater good of all, challenge us to drive away complacency and apathy when we know in our hearts that we can do more to help and sustain those in need.
We pray for others for whom this day will seem long and hard, for those in hospital or ill at home, those struggling with despair or depression, those seeking work, and for those for whom this day will be their last.
Comfort and heal all who suffer, give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the joy of your salvation.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench we remember before God those who have already gone before us and we light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light
Lord in your Mercy
As we leave this place today Advent Lord come even nearer.
Come to rejuvenate our faith, come to fortify our social conscience, come to widen our eyes of wonder, so that when the Saviour comes he may steal into our hearts and find them ready.
Merciful father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen