Prayers for Advent 4 Year B 2012
Merciful Father our souls proclaim your greatness and our spirits rejoice in the salvation which you have given to us, you have done great things for us and we share with Mary in praising your name. May Mary be to us a model of witness and service. Give us your Holy Spirit that we may boldly proclaim your name and tell of your ways.
You are the friend of sinners, you show your deepest love to the weak, the vulnerable and those who are down trodden. May we faithfully live out your Gospel of love by caring for those who are in need, those who are hungry, those who are poor.
We pray for those who are in authority, that they may be instruments of justice and peace. Gracious God, you hear the voice of all who cry out in suffering or despair throughout the world. Visit all in need with the comfort of your presence, that they may live secure in the knowledge of your divine love.
We pray for families at Christmas, that children would be blessed by peaceful, kind and loving homes. We pray for those who task is to offer protection to those at risk, those who work to help struggling relationships. We pray for families struggling with debt and financial worries. Give strength in our community to those who work to offer help to the broken hearted, the sick and frail. Help us in your name to lift up the hearts of the humble and fill the hungry with good things.
Merciful Father